Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Hi all.
I'm about to embark on incubating and have been collecting most of the eggs from my two girls who are laying. The eggs I have range from anywhere up to a month old to a few days.
I understand the older ones are probably not viable anymore but when putting the eggs under light I have no idea what I am looking for and when:-/
The only consistency I can see is that in about 80% of them there is a darker orange (I'm assuming due to the torch) blob about an eighth to a quarter of the inside of the egg that moves to the highest point when I rotate it.
Is this the yolk?
Any advice and feedback will be greatly appreciated!
Incubator should be here by mid next week so hit me with all the info you have:)

eggs up to a month old CAN hatch IF they were stored properly... I've done it myself with a method I came up with for storing my excess hatching eggs.. however if they were just sitting on the counter I would candle the older ones to check the air cell size and toss any who have big air cells...
for the "orange blob".. have you been turning those eggs while they were sitting?.. if not it's more than likely adhered to the side of the shell in the older eggs.. also a bad indicator for incubation.. so they should be tossed as well if the yolk isn't still "free floating" since the yolk stuck to the shell is not going to develop properly into a healthy survivable embryo..
All four were malpositioned and all four are alive. The two that are fluffing as I type seem a little weak, so we'll see.

EXCELLENT news Kathy!  Did they do it on their own?  Mine look OK, but are not making a lot of progress!

Nope, all four needed help. Three of the four had their foot over their heads... It will be interesting to see how the other nest do.

Fingers crossed for you!

eggs up to a month old CAN hatch IF they were stored properly... I've done that with a method I came up with for storing my excess hatching eggs.. however if they were just sitting on the counter I would candle the older ones to check the air cell size and toss any who have big air cells... 
for the "orange blob".. have you been turning those eggs while they were sitting?.. if not it's more than likely adhered to the side of the shell in the older eggs.. also a bad indicator for incubation.. so they should be tossed as well if the yolk isn't still "free floating" since the yolk stuck to the shell is not going to develop properly into a healthy survivable embryo..

I have been turning them once or twice a day and the "blob" moves freely around the egg if I sowly rotate it when candling.
I cracke two of the older eggs late last night and one was a double yoker with no spots/bullseye and the other had a little cream coloured sack attached to the yolk. Not sure what that means? I'll upload a pic of it.

This is one of the eggs I cracked open last night.
A friend told mee that "snotty" part is an indicator about the layers desire to have her eggs fertilized?
If this older egg isn't fertilized, would it be safe to say the others won't be either?
Incubator will arrive next week and it's looking like it might stay in the box for a while. Waa waa lol.

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