Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

These are peachicks that I'm pretty sure I killed by setting my humidity too high. They were four of eight, the other 4 hatched on their own in 27 days, I think.

This one died before it absorbed it's yolk.

This one had a deformed leg

Okay... from what I've read about "sticky" chicks, they would *not* look like this, right? Or am I wrong, lol. To me this looks like all normal chicks and ducklings do when they hatch. This duckling just slid out of the membrane and was *not* cleaned or dried by me.

Okay... from what I've read about "sticky" chicks, they would *not* look like this, right? Or am I wrong, lol. To me this looks like all normal chicks and ducklings do when they hatch. This duckling just slid out of the membrane and was *not* cleaned or dried by me.


he's too clean and dry to be a sticky baby... more likely it was a bacterial issue of some sort that did him in..

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