Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

It's chlorhexidine. Infection would not be blue

That's not what I meant, I meant with him exposed like that and he's got that stuff on him, he COULD get an infection. LOL
Were these Shipped eggs?  IF so, Don't be discourage, it happens, if you can get half your eggs to show signs of life, I say your doing GREAT so to have 10 at least, your doing good.. so your only 9 eggs shy of half.. LOL

No they are from my girls. This is thier first time laying (7 months old now) and my first time hatching:-(
oh, give them a bit of time before making judgments. Are you sure the eggs were all fertile.

No I wasn't sure if they were. They had been mating with just the one drake and I couldn't tell from candling them at an early stage due to lack of knowledge/experience so I just stored most of them and followed the procedure for incubating.
I did crack a few to check and some had bullseyes, some did not.
When I first started collecting them I didn't know about rotating them yet so some would have been harmed there plus I collected them for way too long.
Due to these things I knew my first hatch wasn't going to be huge. I can only learn from those mistakes and not let them happen again.
Just feeling deflated. I am keen to candle them again on day 10 to check again though.
Also, when I candled them I took 6 out, checked and recorded what I needed too, put those 6 back in and grabbed the next 6 out.
Is this okay? I was worried they were out of the incubator too long.
Also, when I candled them I took 6 out, checked and recorded what I needed too, put those 6 back in and grabbed the next 6 out.
Is this okay? I was worried they were out of the incubator too long.

nah.. I remove eggs all the time for candling/weighing/air cell checking.. and I do more than 6 at a time...

the only time you REALLY need to worry about those few minutes of cooling is with teeny tiny eggs.. like quail and some of the parrot eggs.. bantam sized birds would be the next in size to worry about if the eggs are especially small

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