Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

If that duckling is still moving or breathing, I would dispatch it and bury it. If it is not moving or breathing, you can bury it. It's really sad, I'm so sorry.
Is your last egg peeping?

Thank you. I just needed someone else to say it. I'll wrap him up and bury him ahortly.
The egg is just chilling out. Moving around in there and showing no signs of peeping. Day 39 today! Jeebers :-/
Given that the first egg hadn't absorbed the yolk, is it possible these two are just slow developing?
Thank you. I just needed someone else to say it. I'll wrap him up and bury him ahortly.
The egg is just chilling out. Moving around in there and showing no signs of peeping. Day 39 today! Jeebers :-/
Given that the first egg hadn't absorbed the yolk, is it possible these two are just slow developing?
can't really say one way or another, just praying for your little guys!
I would try to get the temperature up if you can without it going too high. If it's really touchy, I wouldn't wanna risk cooking the little guys.

Okay I'll aim for 36.8 celcius then. I don't want to muck him around any more than he has been.
I guess all I can do now is keep waiting and hope he fills out the last of that shell now and pips himself.
At what point though do I say enough is enough and try helping him out if he doesn't internally pip?
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Since you are past the due date, you can give him a safe hole, on the side of the egg where you see the dup in the air cell. Just be very careful. I use a pair of sharp tweezers and keep scratching in a small motion with very little pressure to slowly scrape away the egg she'll without puncturing the egg.
Since you are past the due date, you can give him a safe hole, on the side of the egg where you see the dup in the air cell. Just be very careful. I use a pair of sharp tweezers and keep scratching in a small motion with very little pressure to slowly scrape away the egg she'll without puncturing the egg.

Do you mean below the air cell in the gap between where it looks like his head and bum are or one on the dipped lower side where the actual air sac is?

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