Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

AGAIN, as I said from the VERY BEGINNING, your bator is NOT THE PROBLEM....

But what do I know?????

You know tonnes and I wouldn't be gearing up to do this all again if it wasn't for your help!!
I just want to be triple sure the temp is spot on because the bator is a Janoel knock off and I don't trust it after suspecting it wasn't auto rotating properly :)
I beleive they should try again and IF by some odd ball reason they end up with the SAME results AFTER making adjustments such as turning them correctly and what not, THEN I would MOST definitely be inclined to say Bator issue, but in this case, we all can clearly see that improper turning was a huge issue..

However, if the adjustments were made and the next batch ends up as a great hatching.  Problem has been solved...

I completely agree with what @Lacrystol is saying.
I will try again, knowing what I know now and not repeating the same mistakes and if by some freak chance I have the same outcome, I will suspect the bator.
But for now, me flipping the poor guys upside down everyday and having the bator run perhaps a little lower than its thermometer read were clearly big issues. That was enough to cause the disastrous outcomes I had.
This is my only muscovy egg:( but my two rouans hatched:)

Oh no :-( Has there BEEN movement or no? Perhaps it's just full in there so there's no room for movement?
At this stage at least you've hatched out the little rouans :hugs
If it's any consolation, I started out with 17 fertlie eggs 42 days ago and not one survived due to my error.
What would you change temp to at lockdown? And how do you manage humidity at that point?
I think I will do a dry hatch again for round two. It made the most sense to me.

I personally have never touched the temp, some have lowered it but only by .5. Mine stays at 100 during the time I put the eggs in, up until they hatch. It's the humidity that you would need to adjust.
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