Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

For humidity you want it up to about 65-70 during lockdown, 80 can kill them. I use what ever it takes, cups of water, sponges, wet paper towels, whatever it takes to get that humidity up..
Well @Lacrystol we are about to find out!
I originally had one drake and his three sisters. He became overly aggressive with me so he and one sister were given to a friend as they thought they could work with him.
He has bitten everyone in thier home, including the dog! So today, they have been brought back to me.
Him, I have no idea what to do with But his sister has been dropped off with four eggs that are about twenty days in and she doesn't want anything to do with them. I'm assuming because she's been disrupted and her nest/eggs too.
I've put them under my other broody girl but hers are at 30 days today and I don't like the idea of her having two hatch dates.
Do I incubate them?
Well @Lacrystol we are about to find out!
I originally had one drake and his three sisters. He became overly aggressive with me so he and one sister were given to a friend as they thought they could work with him.
He has bitten everyone in thier home, including the dog! So today, they have been brought back to me.
Him, I have no idea what to do with But his sister has been dropped off with four eggs that are about twenty days in and she doesn't want anything to do with them. I'm assuming because she's been disrupted and her nest/eggs too.
I've put them under my other broody girl but hers are at 30 days today and I don't like the idea of her having two hatch dates.
Do I incubate them?
worth a try, but you know better than we do because you're there.
Well @Lacrystol we are about to find out!
I originally had one drake and his three sisters. He became overly aggressive with me so he and one sister were given to a friend as they thought they could work with him.
He has bitten everyone in thier home, including the dog! So today, they have been brought back to me.
Him, I have no idea what to do with But his sister has been dropped off with four eggs that are about twenty days in and she doesn't want anything to do with them. I'm assuming because she's been disrupted and her nest/eggs too.
I've put them under my other broody girl but hers are at 30 days today and I don't like the idea of her having two hatch dates.
Do I incubate them?

I have a great deal of confidence in you. You have learned AND solved your issue and I stake my life on it that it won't happen again. Lol

Ok about your mean a** drake, uhhhh DONT SEND HIM MY WAY LOL you just keep him up there. Lol

Be careful about sending an animal off to someone else and then getting them back, you never know what diseases they could pick up. I know because it's a friend, you still don't know what is In there yard, they may not even know. NOT saying he did you just got to keep something like that into consideration..

Yes, I'm in that situation right now, my girl had three babies well she's been sitting on the nest waiting for the fourth one, her three kids are three days old and this last one is taken His precious little time, so I took over because she was waiting for this one her other kids we're being neglected and they decided to go out exploring without her. Needless to say I have three very agressive hens and a rooster that attacked the babies. Yeh knocked them right down to the ground helpless. Peck the heck at the back of there necks, they are ok but I had to take mommy and those kids and place them in a confined area. The fourth egg, well he's getting there., he internally pipped and after over 24 Hours made NO progress, apparently with call ducks this is something you have to be on your feet for..

So I opened him, well sadly the little stinker has not fully absorbed. GRRRR COULD THIS CHILD BE ANY MORE OF A HEAD ACHE!!!
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Anyway here he is!!!


We are patiently waiting for him to finish absorbing.

This is him in his cup.


I just know this child is going to cause me to get more gray hairs...
My only fear with this situation is tomorrow my husband goes to get open heart surgery, I need this guy to absorb before we leave. If he don't it's not going to end well, why because he needs to be wetted down every two hours and surgery alone is going to take three to five hours. I don't know anyone who's gonna want to stop by and wet him at six in the morning...
Its been a really stressful week.. ducklings started hatching and I'm down to 2 from 6. One just made it out after 3 days of struggling but the cord was still attached


and the other one has internally pipped but thats it. It is now day 37. The duckling that hatched has torn off its umbilical cord


and my boyfriend is on his way home with some iodine to help prevent infection, but my hopes are not high for this one as every chick I've had hatch like this has eventually died :(

This is my first time incubating duck eggs and I think from now on I'll leave it to the ducks.

Anyone have advice on anything else I can do to try to save this little guy??

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