Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Its been a really stressful week.. ducklings started hatching and I'm down to 2 from 6. One just made it out after 3 days of struggling but the cord was still attached

and the other one has internally pipped but thats it. It is now day 37. The duckling that hatched has torn off its umbilical cord

and my boyfriend is on his way home with some iodine to help prevent infection, but my hopes are not high for this one as every chick I've had hatch like this has eventually died

This is my first time incubating duck eggs and I think from now on I'll leave it to the ducks.

Anyone have advice on anything else I can do to try to save this little guy??
I've been giving Baytril to the ones I think are more susceptible to getting an infection I Also tube feed them if they aren't drinking and eating on their own.

I've been giving Baytril to the ones I think are more susceptible to getting an infection I Also tube feed them if they aren't drinking and eating on their own.


Started giving it some water with probiotics and electrolytes and it perked up right away! Still weak, but its now trying to get up on it's feet *fingers crossed*
Anyway here he is!!!


We are patiently waiting for him to finish absorbing.

This is him in his cup.


I just know this child is going to cause me to get more gray hairs...

I taped the eggs to the turner like your site shows and there's two little bubbas growing out of the four eggs there were. I'm not overly confident as a silky started sitting on them then the mumma duck took over, then they shared, then they were moved. And so on and so on...
Time will tell!
I hope your little guy absorbed in time :)
And most importantly, I hope all goes well for hubby and his recovery is speedy :hugs

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