Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

And just a couple more to be 100% sure :)


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YES!!!!! I am praying so! Thanks for the feedback :)

Thats just my opinion, it's extremely hard to tell at that age.. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you though!!

These are my 4 week old babies, I believe I have a male (right) and female (left) because the male has bigger body feet and head, it's a little easier when you have more than 1 to compare them to
Thats just my opinion, it's extremely hard to tell at that age.. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you though!!

These are my 4 week old babies, I believe I have a male (right) and female (left) because the male has bigger body feet and head, it's a little easier when you have more than 1 to compare them to

I'm finding it hard to have a confident guess with Pip being an only child. I really want her to be a girl obviously but my gut instinct says boy more often than girl. Her feet are set quite far apart but then her shape/length is more femenine so who knows. She's 3 weeks old tomorrow and has wiry little feather on her adorable fluffy butt and her tiny wings have felt prickly for the last few days.
I take her out in the yard with me whenever I can and yesterday she came and helped me weed the vegie patch.
I had to put her in thier with me because everytime I moved away from her her mumma attacked her.
Poor thing had her first worm then made a pig of herself on all kinds of creepy crawlies lol. Had to take her out because I haven't given her anything like that yet for fear she'll develop angel wing like her father had.
Also, I've incubated 17 eggs to see if the new drake is doing his job. I wasn't confident because he's extremely clumsy in the reproduction department!
Candled at day 7 last night and every single one has veinage!! Very impressed :)

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