Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Hi new to muscovy, and I want to hatch some :D but I don't know we're to begin, If I leave her to gather up her eggs will she go broody when there is around 20 eggs or so?
I would flip it so that the hole was facing up.

Okay, I just flipped it over.

If I recall correctly, this was the one with a small air sac. I think he may not have room to wiggle around and zip in there. I'm planning on helping it out if it doesn't make any progress by the end of the night. Is that a sound decision, or am I just being rash?
I'd probably give 24 hours from when it pipped externally. Maybe peel away a *little* shell and see how the membrane looks? Remember the one that I pipped for? I let it sit for quite some time, I think.

Finally got a hold of my camera and managed to get a decent pic.

What do you think?
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I checked this morning at 8 AM and saw that he had made some improvement on the zipping and was chirping away. At 11 AM I saw there was no movement or chirping, so I took a look and he was dead in the shell. He was fully developed with the egg yolk completely absorbed. I'm a little bit depressed at the moment.

I have another one that external pipped around 5 AM Saturday. He also has made one crack next to the external pip area about 12 hours ago, and he's made no improvements since. I don't know what to do.

do they have enough wetness? Try misting them.
Another concern:
One of the eggs has external pipped on the bottom side of the egg (it's on the right end -- the round end -- but the pip is on the bottom instead of the top of the egg). Does this need help? I think this one's air sac was smaller than average before lockdown.
Should I flip it over so the hole is facing up? Should I help it? Please help!!!

ARE U SAYING YOU HAVE AN UPSIDE DOWNER?? I love these ones. Is he at the smaller end???
I checked this morning at 8 AM and saw that he had made some improvement on the zipping and was chirping away. At 11 AM I saw there was no movement or chirping, so I took a look and he was dead in the shell. He was fully developed with the egg yolk completely absorbed. I'm a little bit depressed at the moment.

I have another one that external pipped around 5 AM Saturday. He also has made one crack next to the external pip area about 12 hours ago, and he's made no improvements since. I don't know what to do.

WOW, three hours and he was gone?? During zipping, grrr, I have seen these several times with Calls, they start zipping and boom gone, Mist the second one, give him 30 minutes if no progress help him

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