Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Thanks TexasFreeRanger. I was asking more for accurate growth. I don't weigh the egss and this is only my second incubation. Ive been marking the air sac to determine if they are coming along okay and to make sure temp anf hunidity are good. I asked because I wanted to be sure I wasn't over doing it with the candling :)

I counted candling as cool off period. I hand turned my eggs so I opened the incubator a lot. If you do a Google image search for 'Muscovy egg development' you'll find several good images charting growth and air sack development. I found them helpful. Good luck with your eggs, hope you have a great hatch.

Thanks Miss Lydia :) I can't wait to get more ducklings, just watching them drink water is cute overload.
I counted candling as cool off period.  I hand turned my eggs  so I opened the incubator a lot. If you do a Google image search for 'Muscovy egg development' you'll find several good images charting growth and air sack development. I found them helpful. Good luck with your eggs, hope you have a great hatch. 

Thanks Miss Lydia :) I can't wait to get more ducklings, just watching them drink water is cute overload.

Thanks I'll download some as a guide :)
Have you got any suggestions about the pics I just uploaded? I'm in denial that my lone duckling is a boy lol.
front view please with legs showing, body shape makes me think girls she has the foot ball shape. How old is Pip now?



Pip turned seven weeks old yesterday.
These are the closest to front on that I took today.
She/he realizes the camera is there and comes straight for it to have a chew :-/
I'd say girl legs are set closer together and looks like the feet are close too. Not long like a drake from tail to bill rounded body. When my girls walk they feet almost over lap.they don't but it looks like they may.
I'd say girl legs are set closer together and looks like the feet are close too. Not long like a drake from tail to bill rounded body. When my girls walk they feet almost over lap.they don't but it looks like they may.

That's why I've still been hopeful Miss Lydia. There are some strong boy traits but girl ones too.
For the sake of ease (and hope lol) I'll say she, and she is very clumsy like a boy. Thick ankes, big feet, only half feathered in at 7 weeks, quite a thick set of tail feathers coming in like my drake has rather than a fan shape like my hens and is just generally quite a boofy bubba, big.
But then she also has legs close together as you said and has what I think is a feminine shape to her body.
It's so frustrating lol.
That's why I've still been hopeful Miss Lydia. There are some strong boy traits but girl ones too.
For the sake of ease (and hope lol) I'll say she, and she is very clumsy like a boy. Thick ankes, big feet, only half feathered in at 7 weeks, quite a thick set of tail feathers coming in like my drake has rather than a fan shape like my hens and is just generally quite a boofy bubba, big.
But then she also has legs close together as you said and has what I think is a feminine shape to her body.
It's so frustrating lol.
It sure can be. I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer. eh? But she really makes me think girl right now.
I'd say at by 3 more weeks and you'll know for sure maybe even 2 they change so fast. . Is she making any kind of noise yet.

Oh the noise!! She doesn't stop! Always telling a story lol.
The sounds she makes are hard to describe. I guess the best I could liken it to is a bird singing in the trees? And when I talk back she does it more but gets louder, as though trying to talk over me?
Tail wagging the whole time and mouth open with her neck stretched right out. She does it right in my face at night if I ignore her. To the point where I can feel her hot breath fogging up my skin.
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