Incubation progress of Muscovy eggs

Internal pip!!! And that is definitely a bill poking out now. No chirping or tapping though. The shadow moved around and at once point he stretched up to the shell and I could see a clear outline so I know I'm not seeing things.

Could he be dry? Or the membrane tough? To make that round shape? Or shrink-wrapping? *obsesses*

You'll be much happier if you give it time, trust me, lol.

-The Meddler (Kathy)

Here they are, 4 chiltern whites, one mallard and one Rouen I think, I'm not sure. They were swimming in the paddling pool, they were 2 weeks old, not day olds.
They sure are cute. can they get in and out of the pool with out help. at that age you don't want then to get water logged or chilled. i had to google Chiltern whites I have never heard of that breed before.
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Internal pip!!! And that is definitely a bill poking out now. No chirping or tapping though. The shadow moved around and at once point he stretched up to the shell and I could see a clear outline so I know I'm not seeing things.

Could he be dry? Or the membrane tough? To make that round shape? Or shrink-wrapping? *obsesses*


ahaha calm down, if he has just internal pipped he could be a while, some take up to 24 hours, before the break the shell
keep u's updated tho :D what breed are they, and how many :D :D :D

They sure are cute. can they get in and out of the pool with out help. at that age you don't want then to get water logged or chilled. i had to google Chiltern whites I have never heard of that breed before.

neither had I ahah but apparently they are just like Pekins, and they are bred for laying eggs, i had only put them in for 5 to 10 minutes, because when I got them, they were kind of dirty, the guy had them in a cage with about 10 others, so I thought I should let them clean themselves, and no they are still to small, to get out yet :) I'll edit this and puta video in of them swimming :) and I was told I was getting day olds, but when I got there, they were two weeks old, but I don't really mind, I'm putting in 14 hen eggs into an incubator that already has one other duck egg (only one out of 5 to be
fertile :/ ), and I'm gonna put in 8 goose eggs in tomorrow aswell, into a separate incubator :D
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Internal pip!!! And that is definitely a bill poking out now. No chirping or tapping though. The shadow moved around and at once point he stretched up to the shell and I could see a clear outline so I know I'm not seeing things.

Could he be dry? Or the membrane tough? To make that round shape? Or shrink-wrapping? *obsesses*

NICE, that little bugger had me fooled then, so are you saying where the round shadowing area you can see his beak????
Yes! But its not round anymore, now its just pointy beak! Once it gets darker I'll candle and try and get a pic to compare.

They are muscovys and I only have the two eggs. I started a dozen but 4 days in my thermometer went haywire-I panicked and started adjusting the temperature thinking the incubator was malfunctioning. Nope, just the thermometer, but there were some pretty drastic swings in temp and most of the eggs stopped growing at the 4-5 day mark. Four made it past that snafu, two stopped moving around 24 days, not sure why. I've got these two: the one that has already hatched (Pip) and this last egg. :)
Yes! But its not round anymore, now its just pointy beak! Once it gets darker I'll candle and try and get a pic to compare.

They are muscovys and I only have the two eggs. I started a dozen but 4 days in my thermometer went haywire-I panicked and started adjusting the temperature thinking the incubator was malfunctioning. Nope, just the thermometer, but there were some pretty drastic swings in temp and most of the eggs stopped growing at the 4-5 day mark. Four made it past that snafu, two stopped moving around 24 days, not sure why. I've got these two: the one that has already hatched (Pip) and this last egg. :)
OMG, that little stinker, well I'm glad we gave him another day then, I wonder if he was just able to make some minor adjustments to turn around and get back into the right position because after reviewing that pic there definitely isnt a beak trying to poke through.

What a little stinker, you know what that means? When he comes out he's going to be TROUBLE. LOL
Here he is:

I think he's doing a better job at pecking at the inner shell-when he taps I can hear and feel the vibration through the shell. And its more of a thunk than a tap.I'm hoping he pops out tomorrow. I'll have to figure out a good "fool" name.
Here he is:

I think he's doing a better job at pecking at the inner shell-when he taps I can hear and feel the vibration through the shell. And its more of a thunk than a tap.I'm hoping he pops out tomorrow. I'll have to figure out a good "fool" name.
Muscovies can take longer to pip externally than quackers, so be patient!


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