Incubator heat


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2023
How long should it take for my incubator to come up to desired temperature of 100 degrees? I set it up at 0900 in the morning and didn’t reach a 100 until 9 pm, 12 hours later. This seems extremely long time to me. What happens to the eggs if I open up the incubator to candle the eggs and it takes this long to recover the temperature? Thanks for any help.
Brand - OUYOLAD 15 Egg Incubators
Suppose to be already calibrated and preset to 100 degrees.
What happens to the eggs if I open up the incubator to candle the eggs and it takes this long to recover the temperature?

You could check: later today or tomorrow, open it up for as long as you think might be needed, then close it again and watch how long it takes to get warm again.

Sometimes things take a long time to get warm because they have to heat not just the air but also the sides of the incubator (or sides of the oven, pot in the crock pot, etc) But after they are fully warm, sometimes you can open them briefly and have the air temperature come back up quite fast.

Or the incubator might not have a powerful enough heating element for the temperature of the room you are using it in. If you open it for a few minutes, and it takes a long time to come back up to temperature, you might need to make the room warmer, or put the incubator in a different room that is warmer (a hot water heater often warms the air nearby, so that might be something to consider if you are looking for a warmer place.)

Brand - OUYOLAD 15 Egg Incubators
Suppose to be already calibrated and preset to 100 degrees.
I would check it with another thermometer (preferably a calibrated one).

Even if it was perfect when it left the factory, something may have gotten jiggled out of place while being shipped to a store or to your home.

Hopefully it's right, but if it is wrong then it's nicer to learn that before putting eggs in.

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