incubator lottery winner!


10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
Mackville, Kentucky
I just hit the jackpot! I got a sportsman incubator, hatcher and brooder with acrylic doors,36 setting trays,reserve water tanks and 8 setting trays. All for $600. I will be a chick,poult,keet hatching machine. Now to tell the wife.
Sweet deal!!

I love finding good buys on craigslist and eBay - but DW gives me a reality check everytime I want to spend too much $$$. (She just let me spend over $4000 on a pair of season tickets for our favorite hockey team) not to mention my new barn and tractor.
Tell her you got it so that you could get at least one of every variety of chicken, so that she could make designer earrings and necklaces using the feathers. We gals love jewelry. And jewelry + cute little fuzzy butts is too much to resist.
I told the lovely wife about the new goodies. I'm still breathing so I guess I did alright. I inventoried everything and showed her what a bargain it was. I mean I saved about $2500! I just can't pass that kind of deal up.
Speak for yourself! lol I'd much rather have an incubator ANY day than a $600 piece of metal & rock that I have to keep clean and try not to lose or damage or get muddy while I'm tending the ducks and building new shelters for them. I'm currently wearing a $10 silver wedding ring and... that constitutes my entire inventory of jewelry, unless you count the stuff made with fake beads and string that I sometimes wear for "dressing up."

Sorry. I must be feeling ornery tonight. I do think jewelry can be quite lovely, and it's certainly a lot less work. I just would MUCH rather have an incubator.
Ahh, but handmade jewelry using feathers from your own chickens! When people ask about it, you can go into a long dissertation on which feather came from which hen and how lovely they are in person; what incredible characters they can be!; there's this super website about chickens and the people who raise them called; and maybe you can get someone else infected with the chicken lovers bug!!!

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