Incubators Anonymous

I am having a Mother Dog of a time keeping the humidity where I want it this hatch. It was down to 24% yesterday, I turned to humidity up slightly and it hit 54% this afternoon.

Summer hatches vacuum. If I did not have the toad eggs and need the PC's I would throw the whole stinking caboodle into the garbage.
I have 4 little ayam cemani babies in the hatcher! There are 3 more pipped and peeping in the bator. I probably would've had 2 more but I trust a broody duck with them and she destroyed the eggs :mad: glad I only gave her 2! At least 2 of these babies will be going to the swap tomorrow morning since they have white tipped toes. I'm anxious to see how the last 3 look. They should be hatched by morning.

I'll be setting my first CX eggs tomorrow. Not much, just a half dozen but she's been laying well for me so far. I have 5 eggs collected from her from the past week :yesss:
I gave 2 eggs to my broody that are due to hatch on Tuesday and I have 4 more in my Bator, the one that had a crack died yesterday



This is Fuzz, she is a silkied OEGB cross
I am having a Mother Dog of a time keeping the humidity where I want it this hatch. It was down to 24% yesterday, I turned to humidity up slightly and it hit 54% this afternoon.

Summer hatches vacuum. If I did not have the toad eggs and need the PC's I would throw the whole stinking caboodle into the garbage.
I hope lots of toads and PCs hatch for you.
I have 4 little ayam cemani babies in the hatcher! There are 3 more pipped and peeping in the bator. I probably would've had 2 more but I trust a broody duck with them and she destroyed the eggs :mad: glad I only gave her 2! At least 2 of these babies will be going to the swap tomorrow morning since they have white tipped toes. I'm anxious to see how the last 3 look. They should be hatched by morning.

I'll be setting my first CX eggs tomorrow. Not much, just a half dozen but she's been laying well for me so far. I have 5 eggs collected from her from the past week :yesss:
Have fun at the swap meet today!
Hey I unplugged one of my bators...... ok so I will turn it back on tomorrow to set my last batch ( for a while) on Sunday.... but still it's off right. Oh and the one that's on doesn't count cuz I am using it as a hatcher only.
:oops: Both of my incubators are unplugged.

Does that make me cured?

Hey I unplugged one of my bators...... ok so I will turn it back on tomorrow to set my last batch ( for a while) on Sunday.... but still it's off right. Oh and the one that's on doesn't count cuz I am using it as a hatcher only.

in remission .. may flare back up at any time :lau
Both of my incubators are unplugged, cleaned, and stowed away. 7 more months before I can pull them out again.

I don't think I'm gonna make it.

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