Incubators Anonymous

dawnacus 429.jpg
look how brave the grey one is, might be a boy.
Nice but your implication that zero humidity is impossible to attain is incorrect. If you live in an area with naturally low humidity to start (less than 10% humidity in the house during winter months here) it is very easy to drive an incubator to 0% humidity if no water is added.

When speaking about hygrometers, I like to point out that the cheap hygrometers often have a low limit of 20% that is as low as they will display irregardless of how low the humidity actually is.

I also tend to point out that even though a person does calibrate their hygrometer using NaCl to the 75% mark that it does not mean that their hygrometer will be accurate at 30%. There is a table around that lists different salts and their humidity points. At least one company sells a kit or at least the salts to check hygrometer accuracy at both 75% and around 30% (can't remember exactly the lower number and too lazy to look up it or the company).

Edits made, thanks again for your input!
I didn't want to extend the length of the article, was trying to keep it less "busy", but the instructions are fairly simple, so I typed them out and added a couple pics, along with your points.
The blue hen is the mom to my blue chicks, the little banty hen saw the chicks and got broody... (she would have adopted the blue chicks, but they were already a few days old and ran up and pecked her. I gave her 3 eggs to sit on. 3 eggs were the best number since it is cold and she has to cover them all.
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sorry pics are out of order.
we do! I thought I was looking at my birds! I gave my broody one more egg so 4 total. 2 white leghorn, one green mystery egg, one of the blue hen's tan egg.
we do! I thought I was looking at my birds! I gave my broody one more egg so 4 total. 2 white leghorn, one green mystery egg, one of the blue hen's tan egg.

I thought the same!
Hope she does well with the eggs. That blue hen of mine is a Marans, and 30 weeks old today, and still no egg!! The oegb is the best momma! She has hatched many chicks for me. She is missing a few toes too, so I'll never get rid of her.

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