Incubators Anonymous

I've got some eggs due on Fri. This was another test hatch.

Sadly my laced orps were having fertility issues. I only had one laced orp egg develop. I trimmed and today I set A LOT of their eggs in the local schools. Each school paid for a doz eggs but I doubled their numbers to put in all the laced orp eggs I could collect. If they don't hatch, nothing lost. Since I'll get the chicks back, if they do hatch = great news for me! Of course if I don't get fertile eggs from my laced orps again, then I'm going to really be stumped. There's only 3 hens in with that roo! (Two laced & the 3rd, a Buff Colombian Orp, just hung around outside the tractor all day as hawk bait. I had to let her join them.)
laced orps in snow.jpg

My lav orps' fertility seems to be just fine. I had a setback when we lost my beautiful lav roo in the fall so I have his half brother (only 3.5 mo old) and his great grandfather (mostly a semi-retired pet rooster) covering the rest of the flock - both are black/ lav splits. So one is too old & one is too young, but at least one of them is getting the job done.
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I honestly have no clue how many I have in right now :oops: I could always go check my notebook but that's too much work. I do know that eggs will be hatching every weekend for the foreseeable future lol

I keep a spreadsheet. I can't remember what is due when, if I don't. The bad part is when I see eggs, and wonder when they need locked down, and I've forgotten to add them to my list! :p
I keep a spreadsheet. I can't remember what is due when, if I don't. The bad part is when I see eggs, and wonder when they need locked down, and I've forgotten to add them to my list! :p

I took the advice of someone here and started writing the hatch date on the eggs..... I believe this is going to help me keep em straight as I have 3 different hatch dates going right now.... nothing hatching this week end but every week after for a while.

I used to use the hatch a batch app and while I liked it, it's just easier to write it down in a notebook. I write the date set, date due, what type of egg (chicken/turkey) and how many set. I leave spots to write in how many clears/blood rings, how many hatched, and how many didn't. I'll get a picture later. On the eggs themselves, I write the date due and what breed. There's easily and least 50 eggs in the Bator at any given time though usually more lol

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