Incubators Anonymous

SOME used cabinets, as in you now have a collection of cabinet incubators!? I would be in SO much trouble! Lol

I've also had some gooey, sticky hatchers this year. They've mostly stopped now but it's weird dealing with them when they happen.

:gig Actually 3! I went to get one, was thinking maybe even the incubator and hatcher, but he made me a deal on all 3, what could I say? :D I may re-sell one or two.
He really just needed to get rid of them, he hatched ostriches several years ago, and just wasn't using them anymore. They appear to be in great shape, just storage dirty.
The smaller one is a GQF, the larger 2, I think are homemade, but with the GQF plans and kit, and were very well done!
WP_20180408_19_31_20_Pro.jpg WP_20180408_19_31_50_Pro.jpg
:gig Actually 3! I went to get one, was thinking maybe even the incubator and hatcher, but he made me a deal on all 3, what could I say? :D I may re-sell one or two.
He really just needed to get rid of them, he hatched ostriches several years ago, and just wasn't using them anymore. They appear to be in great shape, just storage dirty.
The smaller one is a GQF, the larger 2, I think are homemade, but with the GQF plans and kit, and were very well done!
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I'll take one off your hands! I could use a cabinet hatcher lol

Excuse me, what is "GQF"? ))

The best brand of incubators out there lol

GQF Manufacturing is the company that makes excellent cabinet incubators.

What she said! Even their styrofoam hovabators are fantastic :)
Welcome! I know the LG bators can be very touchy with keeping a steady temp/humidity. A trick that I learned when I had one was to add a heat sink inside to help stabilize temps and also to use making tape around the seam when it's closed to seal it better. I used to tape mine shut and only access the eggs through the panels on top. I've since graduated to a GQF cabinet and a Hova bator for hatching :)
Thanks. They’re so funny. Sometimes it all goes terribly wrong and other times, most of the time, they give me pretty good hatches, at least 75%. But each and every time the first week is nail biting as we readjust. I should probably just never unplug it!
Thanks. They’re so funny. Sometimes it all goes terribly wrong and other times, most of the time, they give me pretty good hatches, at least 75%. But each and every time the first week is nail biting as we readjust. I should probably just never unplug it!

If you ever decide to get a new one, I highly recommend a GQF hova bator (forced air). Price depends on which model you choose but for a styrofoam bator, they're very steady. I've been using mine for the past 3 years now and I rarely have to ajust the in almost never. At the end of the season it gets packed away and in the spring dug back out and is still right where it needs to be :)

Here's a good one. They've discontinued the model I use. I'm not sure why though cause its awesome!
If you ever decide to get a new one, I highly recommend a GQF hova bator (forced air). Price depends on which model you choose but for a styrofoam bator, they're very steady. I've been using mine for the past 3 years now and I rarely have to ajust the in almost never. At the end of the season it gets packed away and in the spring dug back out and is still right where it needs to be :)

Here's a good one. They've discontinued the model I use. I'm not sure why though cause its awesome!
Do you find you can use its full capacity or just the warmest part?
Do you find you can use its full capacity or just the warmest part?

Full capacity, easily. With it being forced air, there are really not hot/cold spots. At least not that I've found. Mine is a 2362E but it's been discontinued. The one I linked for you is similar but with a wafer thermostat. I only use mine as a hatcher now but at one point it was my main incubator. It always does well for me.

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