Incubators Anonymous

Ditto.. worsest Hatcher’s of my life this spring...maybe even worser than that.

Same here. Started the year with a 100% hatch, all down hill from there! :gig

by the way, a fella that used to work for my hubby always used the word "worser". Now its our inside joke for anything bad. "Coulda been worser". :lau
I use worser to drive bantychooks nuts...she is such a grammar nazi.
Hahahaha, does she ever read this thread????

I think that's why I live in the semi desert....I always have a struggle keeping the humidity high enough. I am super happy with my last hatch and I have people offering me eggs in trade for the free roosters I've giving away. I hated having to say no. I'm NOT hatching any more this year!!!!

I'm sorry about the gooey-ness everyone is experiencing, but congratulations on the ones that are hatching!!

My 25 frizzled polish are doing great!! I sold 6 so far, only delivered 3, the other 3 go once they are feathered out. The frizzled ratio is FAR less than 50%, I'm really hoping I get a couple of frizzled FEMALES.
BLRW! I ended up with 5 healthy little fluff balls. It looks like 2 black, 2 blue and 1 either splash or very light blue. 2 more had fully developed but the one pipped internally then died and the other popped externally and died. I'm happy with the 5 that I ended up with. Now let's just hope I have a good pullet to Cockerel ratio.

The incubators are still going and the brooders are filling up!
Here are a few of my favs:

silver laced orps

silver laced orps & blue silver laced orps

black orps (with chance of lacing)

I've got other chicks but these are the ones that made me very happy. The last two eggs still in the incubator. I believe I slipped them in later, because I didn't want to waste the silver laced orp eggs. Both are pipped tonight.
Do these shoes match my outfit?

I got an extra chick on Tues. Someone bought hatching eggs from me for a 4H project & only one blue orp hatched. Poor little thing was lonely & not thriving. (Hatched Sunday.) Since I happened to have chicks hatching on Tues, I told her I'd take it off her hands. I also happened to have some extra orp eggs that were destined for breakfast, so I told her they could try again. I had experienced some egg fertility issues in March, so I wasn't sure if the problem could be my roos.

She brought over her incubator for me to examine; we discussed results and tried to figure out the problem. It turns out that her digital LG incubator has a box with heat coils. It looks about the size as a fan & even has openings - but no fan inside. Her eggs hatched 4 days late because she had it set for 99.5 (circulated air) and not 101 (still air). That also explained why all the others had died.

Anyway, the little blue orp seemed weak and cried nonstop unless held. As soon as the family arrived I popped the chick into the incubator. It was just as the 1st chick was zipping. It wanted a sibling so badly that it pecked away at the shell to help. I also put some food into the incubator & it went crazy. (1st time they saw it eat.)

The inner toes looked crooked at times, so I made little orthodics - chickie shoes. Not sure if the little blue will make it, but boy has it improved! I need a good name like Lucky, Fortune, etc. Any ideas? Can you imagine hatching after being 2 degrees cooler throughout the entire incubation? It's got such a will to live.

It's already the King of the Brooder and won't let the shoes slow it down.

BLRW! I ended up with 5 healthy little fluff balls. It looks like 2 black, 2 blue and 1 either splash or very light blue. 2 more had fully developed but the one pipped internally then died and the other popped externally and died. I'm happy with the 5 that I ended up with. Now let's just hope I have a good pullet to Cockerel ratio.

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I'm not a huge Wyandotte fan, but they sure are some of the cutest chicks around. Congrats! And :fl for genders you want!

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