Incubators Anonymous

I did 2 hatches of quail. The first set hatched and I started a second, then my husband’s appendix ruptured, he had emergency surgery and was laid up for months. we hadn’t finished the quail pens and I was taking care of him so I gave away or sold all the chicks. Such fun to watch hatch.
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I've had times in life like that too. That's why I always have a list of volunteers willing to take chicks if I need to lighten my load. My safety net just in case I (or more often my kids) take on too much.

I'm sure your DH appreciated your sacrifice and there are always more eggs.
I've had times in life like that too. That's why I always have a list of volunteers willing to take chicks if I need to lighten my load. My safety net just in case I (or more often my kids) take on too much.

I'm sure your DH appreciated your sacrifice and there are always more eggs.

I could have finished the cages on my own, but he would have been watching and wanting to help, or worse....trying to tell me how to do it right. :D
I still may do some again at some point. Quail eggs are pretty plentiful here.
So here is the one turkey that survived from my June 28th hatch
and here is the baby that hatched over night
one hatched out of 6..... still trying to dial in my hatching bator
My last big hatch of the season is almost done. Technically, it's not THAT big of a hatch since I've had MUCH bigger hatches but for this time of the year, it's a good sized hatch. The count so far is 16 chicks from a friend eggs. I'll be giving him 14 back and keeping the two Showgirls that hatched lol. There are 8 light brahmas and 4 turkey poults. There are still 4 turkey eggs in the hatcher with 3 of them pipped and about 8 silkie and Brahma eggs but I think I've gotten all that I'm getting from them. I have 1 more hatch due next week and then that's it. My incubator will be empty.

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Sadly we took extra care of all but 1 cage - somehow I forgot to adjust for the heat on my 6 little babies I just hatched a few weeks ago. 4 died....I'm sad..... bad animal care.....
@Jessimom they look like boys to me but I don't have a while lot of experience with polish.

My incubators are officially empty and shut down. No more hatches for a while now.
Wow I keep hearing stories that you are supposed to do that..... maybe I will try it later this fall.... I still have chickens and turkeys brooding so they don't count right?
Wow I keep hearing stories that you are supposed to do that..... maybe I will try it later this fall.... I still have chickens and turkeys brooding so they don't count right?

Nope that doesn't count! I have 3 broody turkeys raising out 2 poults, a broody hen during on air (I'm going to end up giving in), and a broody duck, determined to keep some eggs lol. They don't follow our plans!
Yeah, I'm in a little trouble. I probably should have turned off my incubators. All spring & Summer, every time I set eggs I had a hen go broody before the hatch. Easy adoptions & some easy chick sales without much work.

Well, I don't have any broody volunteers & up to 3 doz eggs may hatch Wed-Thurs. GULP! I think I'm going to have to brooder raise them! The most recent broody has 2 week old chicks, so I'm sure she'd notice the difference......

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