Incubators Anonymous

I now have a new broody. One of the silkie girls that I had been collecting eggs from decided that she'll hatch some on her own too. She only has 3 eggs under her so I guess it will make a good trial run for her. She'll be a first time mama :)

Good luck!! :fl

I am out of town right now but when I get back on Wednesday I go into lockdown with my run of Nn and Delaware cross babies. I am a little excited about the Nn because some may be NN and they are out of my roo that died last week.View attachment 1536517 of course he had the size I am looking for in my meat line of Nn.... oh well I have a few more young roos to choose from.

Awww, poor fella. let us know how the hatch goes!

For the first time since like January, I have ZERO broodies on eggs. :ya
A bantam cochin broody was on eggs when an older hen took them from her, right before hatch. Then I had a pair of serama hens hatch some, but one egg was a late nest addition, so I gave it to the cochin that got robbed of her chicks. It hatched over the weekend. And she brought it outside today. :)
I am out of town right now but when I get back on Wednesday I go into lockdown with my run of Nn and Delaware cross babies. I am a little excited about the Nn because some may be NN and they are out of my roo that died last week.View attachment 1536517 of course he had the size I am looking for in my meat line of Nn.... oh well I have a few more young roos to choose from.

I'm so sorry for the loss :( Maybe you'll get one just like him!

So sorry @aliciaplus3, he was so handsome! I hope your hatch goes really well! :fl
@WVduckchick You know you probably just jinxed yourself...

X2 lol
I am out of town right now but when I get back on Wednesday I go into lockdown with my run of Nn and Delaware cross babies. I am a little excited about the Nn because some may be NN and they are out of my roo that died last week.View attachment 1536517 of course he had the size I am looking for in my meat line of Nn.... oh well I have a few more young roos to choose from.
So sorry about your loss. Hopefully he'll live on in his offspring.
I can't seem to get my homemade incubator's humidity past 40%.......... do you think that will be sufficient enough as far as bare minimum goes for when the eggs are supposed to hatch?
I'm almost to lock down, a few more days to go...... just preparing my incubator for when I need to raise the humidity but it won't go past 40%! :(

I'm assuming it should be OK though, right? If that is all you have to work with.
You could always add a wet sponge to raise it when you need to. If your air cells look good I wouldn't worry too much!
I'm almost to lock down, a few more days to go...... just preparing my incubator for when I need to raise the humidity but it won't go past 40%! :(

I'm assuming it should be OK though, right? If that is all you have to work with.
I'm almost to lock down, a few more days to go...... just preparing my incubator for when I need to raise the humidity but it won't go past 40%! :(

I'm assuming it should be OK though, right? If that is all you have to work with.
The way to increase humidity is by increasing the surface area of the water. The surface area can be increased by adding sponges or cloths that have the base in a water source. Making the water only helps in lowering the frequency of adding water but does nothing for increasing the surface area.
The way to increase humidity is by increasing the surface area of the water. The surface area can be increased by adding sponges or cloths that have the base in a water source. Making the water only helps in lowering the frequency of adding water but does nothing for increasing the surface area.
I have increased the surface area by adding a snap-on lid which is about 8" x 6" in area, but still the humidity won't go past 40%! It's the styrofoam that is absorbing the humidity and passing it though to the outside, that is the problem.

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