Incubators Anonymous

I am hatching.... surprise —- surprise —- surprise.

I have ~75 eggs in the incubator.. and I have a turkey hen sitting on eggs. I do not know how many eggs she has,,, maybe 5-9... anyone wishing to know and who does not value their hands is free to come and look under her.
in other words I should feel very lucky that my turkey hen is a mild broody??? lol
Both of the ones that are broody Now just pick up and let me check their......... Golf Balls and take the eggs... no peaking and no fuss.
The one I had over the summer was a take your head off sort.... and her poults are still slightly flighty
My Tom left in Nov & the female turkeys were supposed to have been processed by now. Then one decided to start laying. Although there's no Tom, I heard it's possible for a hen to remain fertile for quite a while after the male is gone. To test this, I gave some turkey eggs to a friend to incubate. (I don't actually want turkey poults right now) I just want to know if the eggs are fertile.

The turkey also likes to lay her eggs on a shelf that's 7' above the ground. Most of the eggs get cracked on impact with the ground. Today's egg was cracked but not smashed & gooey, so I checked for a bull's eye.

What do you think? Fertile or Not? Here are 2 pics of the same egg taken outside on an overcast day. I swear I see a little circle but it could simply be my own wishful thinking.

Pic 1

Pic 2
They're big like mine. I happen to have 2 turkey hens right now (long story & they won't be here much longer). Anyway, my lav orp cockerel (8 mo old) is already bigger and heavier than the 2 turkeys. He'll keep growing/filling out until 18 mo old.

Here's a pic from a couple days ago
View attachment 1645875

His great grandpa was my all-time fav rooster. He was an amazing gentle giant and loved to chill out on DD's lap.
View attachment 1645879

Here's another pic of our current lav next to the turkeys to show size.
View attachment 1645883

We’ve got a big a$$ heritage Blue Orp like the second pic. We call him Suge Knight.
My Tom left in Nov & the female turkeys were supposed to have been processed by now. Then one decided to start laying. Although there's no Tom, I heard it's possible for a hen to remain fertile for quite a while after the male is gone. To test this, I gave some turkey eggs to a friend to incubate. (I don't actually want turkey poults right now) I just want to know if the eggs are fertile.

The turkey also likes to lay her eggs on a shelf that's 7' above the ground. Most of the eggs get cracked on impact with the ground. Today's egg was cracked but not smashed & gooey, so I checked for a bull's eye.

What do you think? Fertile or Not? Here are 2 pics of the same egg taken outside on an overcast day. I swear I see a little circle but it could simply be my own wishful thinking.

Pic 1

Pic 2
My opinion, it is not fertile.
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Good luck in the Marans eggs! It's very hard to find good ones and then to actually get them to hatch after shipping. I have BCM and F2 Olive eggers hatching now along with blue laced red Wyandotte x giant orpington. I think I'm going to play with that cross for a while and see what I can get :)

Here are my F1 Olive egger eggs with an ameraucana egg and a BCM egg. I can't wait to see how dark the F2 eggs will be!

View attachment 1645784

I just love the size these orpingtons!

View attachment 1645783
Beautiful eggs. I am trying to get some from a guy in CT. His facebook is Fat Hen Farms. If he never answers, do you sell?
Since I stole my broody's incubating eggs mistakenly, today she got six new chicks, all supposedly pullets, to raise instead: a barred rock, a Rhode Island red, a salmon faverolles, a buckeye, a Sicilian buttercup and a speckled Sussex. She got much more aggressive very quickly, but she's also been a little rough with the chicks. They're currently all tucked underneath her, warm and happy, and she is content. I'm hoping she stays that way. This is the first time fostering chicks onto a hen; I forgot how stressful these new milestones can be.
I have an Incuview incubator that I got as a Christmas present that currently has only 7 eggs left in it from 18. Candleing revealed most didnt develop. Thank you Ebay.
I also have a GFQ 1588 and a Little Giant Ive had for years but dont use much because its so hard to keep the temps regulated.
My rooster is older and doesnt seem to be that fertile. Might need a new guy. Would love to hatch some banty eggs someday.

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