Incubators Anonymous

From the mouths of babes....

DS had a hmwk sheet today about machines. The kids had to come up with a list of common machines found at home.

For each row the kids had to write, Machine Name, How it helps, & What people did before the machine was invented.

Our DS wrote: Incubator.... hatches eggs....used a broody hen. It makes perfect sense to me.... and it IS a machine used frequently in our home.

I'm sure the teacher "gets him" by now.

* He's the only kid at school with chickens, so for the past few years he's been used as the poultry expert. Last year the 1st graders were debating if a rooster was a chicken or not.... because roosters don't lay eggs. They called him down to their classroom to settle the disagreement. LOL
From the mouths of babes....

DS had a hmwk sheet today about machines. The kids had to come up with a list of common machines found at home.

For each row the kids had to write, Machine Name, How it helps, & What people did before the machine was invented.

Our DS wrote: Incubator.... hatches eggs....used a broody hen. It makes perfect sense to me.... and it IS a machine used frequently in our home.

I'm sure the teacher "gets him" by now.

* He's the only kid at school with chickens, so for the past few years he's been used as the poultry expert. Last year the 1st graders were debating if a rooster was a chicken or not.... because roosters don't lay eggs. They called him down to their classroom to settle the disagreement. LOL
I love this!
I finally candled my 51 eggs in the cabinet. Only removed 10. Nine were infertile, 1 early quitter.
4 cream legbars (that boy needs to step it up!), 3 seramas, 2 silkied seramas, and 1 bantam cochin. The quitter was a serama egg.

I left 5 eggs from my BCM hen (covered by CL) I could tell a couple of them were definitely growing. Some I couldn’t tell for sure. But I’m looking at possibly 40 upcoming chicks! Day 12 today.
My cream legbar rooster only has 6 girls right now - 5 CLs and 1 BCM.
Fertility hasn’t been the greatest yet. Probably 50/50. He either has favorite girls or maybe just time of year.

I have a couple cockerels that a couple bantam cochin broodies hatched for me. They haven’t been around the CL flock yet. I’ve considered adding one of them to the CL pen, but can’t decide if I should or not, or which one?

I like the coloring on the right, but he looks more like the dad. Very light overall. Maybe I should use the other? But he’s darker and less colored. They are still young though. November hatch I think.

Hard to believe they were both hatched at the same time. Looking at those shanks & combs made me think there was a few weeks age difference. I like the appearance of the darker one, but the other is more mature. He's definitely the dominant #1 and shouldn't have any issues breeding. The smaller one will take longer to mature but perhaps he'll do fine once out from under the shadow of the other. I think his red just hasn't come in yet. (Darker & more vibrant color is my general preference for birds, but I'm not an expert. I don't know the CCL SOP.)

.... and please do tell your CCL roo to step it up. I'd love to buy some of your eggs this year. (I miss my CCL hen, Dolores. RIP She was always posing for me b/c she knew how beautiful she was. Nasty, No-good Hawks! :mad:)
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Hard to believe they were both hatched at the same time. Looking at those shanks & combs made me think there was a few weeks age difference. I like the appearance of the darker one, but the other is more mature. He's definitely the dominant #1 and shouldn't have any issues breeding. The smaller one will take longer to mature but perhaps he'll do fine once out from under the shadow of the other. I think his red just hasn't come in yet. (Darker & more vibrant color is my general preference for birds, but I'm not an expert. I don't know the CCL SOP.)

.... and please do tell your CCL roo to step it up. I'd love to buy some of your eggs this year. (I miss my CCL hen, Dolores. RIP She was always posing for me b/c she knew how beautiful she was. Nasty, No-good Hawks! :mad:)
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Very astute! They were actually 5 days apart. There is a third one that hatched with the younger one, he is even smaller! I gave some eggs to one broody, then another went broody the following week, so I gave her some too. They hatched Nov 6th and 11th. Two on the 11th. Very early eggs for the girls, most were clear, so only the 3 boys hatched.

I prefer the lighter color, but the current roo is light, so I’m thinking keeping the darker one would give better variety. The SOP is pretty lenient on color range, from what I’ve seen.

The girls are laying again pretty well now, so whenever you want to try some, just let me know. :)

Delores was lovely!! :love sorry you lost her.
Very astute! They were actually 5 days apart. There is a third one that hatched with the younger one, he is even smaller! I gave some eggs to one broody, then another went broody the following week, so I gave her some too. They hatched Nov 6th and 11th. Two on the 11th. Very early eggs for the girls, most were clear, so only the 3 boys hatched.

I prefer the lighter color, but the current roo is light, so I’m thinking keeping the darker one would give better variety. The SOP is pretty lenient on color range, from what I’ve seen.

The girls are laying again pretty well now, so whenever you want to try some, just let me know. :)

Delores was lovely!! :love sorry you lost her.
We are working on the SOP color ranges... basically the APA wants it tighter... those would be gold-creole I believe.

Sorry my error.. I was talking about girls..both boys are cream... but I prefer the one without the gold shoulders
We are working on the SOP color ranges... basically the APA wants it tighter... those would be gold-creole I believe.

Sorry my error.. I was talking about girls..both boys are cream... but I prefer the one without the gold shoulders

Thanks Ralphie!
Do you think it’s leaning more toward the darker/deeper colors? Darker salmon on the girls?
I kinda like the variations, but I also understand the need for consistency in the breed and SOP.
Thanks Ralphie!
Do you think it’s leaning more toward the darker/deeper colors? Darker salmon on the girls?
I kinda like the variations, but I also understand the need for consistency in the breed and SOP.
This is me,, speaking as one member of the board and not for the board... I think the darker ones will become the SOP for the gold creole some day.

The lighter salmon the creams.. I know we had a long discussion at one meeting over the Black crests.. they became less preferred over the brownish crests.

I have nearly eliminated the gold from my roosters.. however I am having more problems with my girls..

Does this help any?

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