Incubators Anonymous

The momma duck has a twin (also on eggs for the last couple of weeks). My other 2 hens were different colors, and my drakes are other colors also, so community nests create all kinds of interesting combos. Lol
Had one adorable black bibbed baby, but it was one of the two I found dead yesterday morning.
The momma duck has a twin (also on eggs for the last couple of weeks). My other 2 hens were different colors, and my drakes are other colors also, so community nests create all kinds of interesting combos. Lol
Had one adorable black bibbed baby, but it was one of the two I found dead yesterday morning.
I too just had a tragedy. I put the broody OEG inside the brooder. She was eating and not attacking them, so I left for 15 min then returned to check on the progress. She must have jumped on top of the Mama Heating pad and smooshed the serama chick warming itself underneath. I'll have to try something different later. I'm sure she didn't mean to; it's more my fault.

Four Orps have hatched. The last 3 orp eggs have pips or movement.
Three weeks ago I loaded the incubator up. 5 were unfertilized so I pulled them 2 weeks in. Then my broody's eggs started getting smushed as they hatched, so I popped 5 of her remaining 6 eggs in the incubator as they all had movement. The 6th one was completely black. No air pocket, no movement and no visible veins. I could see all those in the identical colored egg that was in the nest with it so figured it had gone bad.
I decided to eggtopsy before tossing it. It indeed had no air pocket, not even a separate membrane. I keep telling myself it couldn't have hatched, but I feel terribly for accidentally killing the two week old baby inside. :(
On the bright side, 6 of the eggs have pipped this morning!!
This was day one

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