Incubators Anonymous

Thanks! Here is the best photo I could take through the window on my 'bator.

I'm so excited! Official "hatch day" doesn't begin until 2 PM today (five and a half hours away). This guy was a bit early and the other eggs show no pips or wiggling yet. The wait is killing me!
Do shipped eggs hatch later usually?
I have 7 of my own eggs in the bator. 3 have hatched, & 2 more almost out. I also have about 10 shipped eggs that made it to lock down with obvious movement on day 18. None of them have even pipped. Today is day 23! Made me wonder...
I don't know what's up with my broody hens' eggs.

I stole 3, on the 10th of June, and two of them hatched on Saturday.

But all of my hens eggs air cells are liquefied. I can't tell if any are going to hatch, but they were all marked the same day with embryos...

They should start hatching, I would think, as the other two did???

Candling showed some rotten (failed embryos) most I couldn't steal (move the hen).

I think it's time to toss them soon.

What would your thoughts be? Leave them til the first, and see? Or???
Oh, and my incubator is empty! 4 hatches. 1st hatch complete failure.
2nd hatch 10 out of 33 eggs. 3rd hatch 8 out of 15 eggs, and 4th hatch 4 out of 5 eggs!

The last two hatches were goslings.

Not sure if we are going again. At least not until I get a new incubator. ..

Hopefully by then, I will be in recovery, and not want to hatch any more.

I now have 4 flocks, and a pair of geese, and four goslings.

I have my 1 year old flock that was my very first straight run bought from chick days... Now, their offspring.

I also went and got me three polish babies, 2 sultans, a silkie and a frizzle pair.

I hope to break my chicken addiction, as some of if not most of my chicks should be moving on soon to new families, or worse... I am not gonna lie, we got our birds originally for food.

Now, I could never imagine it, so, someone else buys em, their business what they do with em.
Do shipped eggs hatch later usually?
I have 7 of my own eggs in the bator. 3 have hatched, & 2 more almost out. I also have about 10 shipped eggs that made it to lock down with obvious movement on day 18. None of them have even pipped. Today is day 23! Made me wonder...

If they haven't pipped by now, sorry, but they're probably not going to hatch.

I've gotten a LOT of shipped eggs this year, and two different times I got zero hatch.
Does anyone know why a shipped egg with a poor air cell will develop completely normally (yolk sac gets absorbed & everything) & then not hatch? Is it best to keep shipped eggs upright the entire time or does placing egg on side (on Day 18) help shipped eggs break out? (I've always put them flat for hatching.)
Do shipped eggs hatch later usually?
I have 7 of my own eggs in the bator. 3 have hatched, & 2 more almost out. I also have about 10 shipped eggs that made it to lock down with obvious movement on day 18. None of them have even pipped. Today is day 23! Made me wonder...

If started at the same time, they should all hatch at about the same time. It never hurts to keep an incubator running a few extra days, but they usually don't hatch more than a day apart. Sorry. Personally, my longest spread was 36 hours from 1st to last chick.
Does anyone know why a shipped egg with a poor air cell will develop completely normally (yolk sac gets absorbed & everything) & then not hatch? Is it best to keep shipped eggs upright the entire time or does placing egg on side (on Day 18) help shipped eggs break out? (I've always put them flat for hatching.)

I hatch ALL my eggs upright.
Does anyone know why a shipped egg with a poor air cell will develop completely normally (yolk sac gets absorbed & everything) & then not hatch? Is it best to keep shipped eggs upright the entire time or does placing egg on side (on Day 18) help shipped eggs break out? (I've always put them flat for hatching.)

how poor of an air cell ? if saddle shaped a lot of time the will internally pip at the wrong end and can't get out..

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