Incubators Anonymous

Yes, and from Louisiana to Califonia in 2 days, they must have been flown.... but really, the luggage compartment is supposed to be pressurized, of course there is still a difference, you can feel it when in the cabin while flying, in your ears... so... yah....might be enough to damage em?

I just would be so happy if these to little buggers would hatch and live! I'll keep my paws off em ;)
Ever been on a flight with a baby? if it makes em scream im guessing it could hurt an egg. Plus usps fedex and ups have cargo holds, it isnt the same as being in a passenger cabin. most deliveries would be multiple short flights too. that could have a part in it too
If you ever do and they drink from a bottle, try to put off feeding until take off and feed them during that half hour when climbing in altitude, it'll adjust their inner ear pressure when they swallow. Or when they're older, try and get them to drink something in little sips during that half hour, and if they're old enough, chewing gum helps :)
I just found this tread and it made me think for a moment. I usually just hatch twice every spring, except this year I am on my 6th hatch and I'm ordering more eggs on Sunday, hehehe. I so badly want a larger incubator, but I can't afford one as I'm 16 and going to college. I am always searching ebay looking at the different hatching eggs for sale. Chicks and chickens are my passion!!
LOL, my brother came through for me and dumped a ton of plywood at my house while I wasn't looking
so More Plywood = More coops = More Chickens, right? Good thing it's getting cooler outside, I have a lot of construction to do this week/weekend!!! Yaaaay!
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I found one last Rio Grand turkey egg a couple weeks ago and stuck it in to cook then I put 6 of my BBS Marans in so it would have company. The turkey egg was a dud but I have 2 cute Marans. I got an order for some snake food chicks so I gathered a doz of the biggest eggs from the free range flock and set them. They are probably from my Delawares.
So glad ya'll were talking about the sex links earlier ( ) I am going to go thru the flocks and set up some laying pens for them over the winter. I can raise the pullets to sell in the spring and the cockrels I have orders for certain weights and will put them in the freezer (snake food again) as long as I have a market for the frozen cockrels this could really pay off since I can raise them on my time line and freeze them. One of the clients will also take frozen 4 to 7 lb birds so my old culls can make me a few bucks too.
I may have to borrow that Sportsman again, LOL or maybe buy it???

WoW what's up with the editor?
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As of yesterday, I had 100% of my Lavs/Splits and 1 GNH (the others all died
) 100% hatch of some Black Ams that jumped the fence, so now I have some barred EE to use for sexlinks in the spring
. Several of the Black Ams had hatched. The other eggs had pips but had not hatched. I have Marans, White Wyandottes and BLRW that had not don't much. Today is hatch day so we will see.

BTW my roo guy is having some hard time, I might need to find another roo guy
If I give them away I don't think that will be an issue since these are smaller hatches.

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