Incubators Anonymous

Do you take the eggs out of the turner or leave them in and just tun it off? I take them out and lay them on their sides. I have thought about putting them in an egg carton. keeping them up right.
Oops, I forgot to fill the water pots on the first day of incubation
. I hope that doesn't hurt the chicks.
My eggs have been at 95-97 for about half of their development.. (I bought a gauge that was reading higher then the actual temperature) they have been at 99 for a while now.. so my QUESTION is..
Should I expect them to hatch late? how many days later?
How do I help them if they are stuck and need help getting out of the shell?
How did you know the yolk was absorbed?
If I open the egg and the yolk sac is not absorbed how will I keep the chick alive until it's ready?

This is my time I had to deal with low temperatures.. so I'm hoping you could help me answer my questions..


Quote: I would guess your hatch will be one to two days late. Mine were, but I haven't had anymore hatch - not good news.

Stuck chicks are obvious by the fact they pip, try to zip and stop zipping. If they are breaking off the top of the shell and you see them pushing and they just can't get out and can't turn - then they are stuck. I will sometimes open the incubator really quickly- take the stuck egg out and add more water to the bottom (or a warm damp paper towel) close the incubator and check the chick. If you carefully take off the top of the egg, a chip at a time - stop each time and check for blood - and see if the inside membrane is stuck on the chick. If it is - you can dip your finger in the warm water, get the membrane wet and try to rub it off. Once the stuck membrane is off the top you can put the egg back in and the chick will probably push its way out. Leave it in the incubator until it is dry - best and safest spot. Sometimes the belly can look raw and red - best to leave it alone until it clots and shrinks a bit.

If there is ANY blood - STOP! Put flour, septic paste - something to stop/clot the blood and put it back in the incubator- loosely wrapped in a warm damp paper towel (not around the breathing hole).

If there is any blood then the yolk is not absorbed. You will need to leave the chick in the half shell until it is all absorbed. If it breaks the yolk membrane that is very bad.
Oops, I forgot to fill the water pots on the first day of incubation
. I hope that doesn't hurt the chicks.
No, humidity can fluctuate in the incubator without harming the chicks - just as long as they loose the proper amount of water. Too high is worse than too low.

A lot of people are not adding any water until lockdown.

What is your exterior humidity - and what altitude are you? This makes a big difference in if you need higher humidity in the incubator or not.
A lot of people are not adding any water until lockdown.

What is your exterior humidity - and what altitude are you? This makes a big difference in if you need higher humidity in the incubator or not.

I am getting ready to get the flock out of here again. I have way to many eggs to publicly admit. The postman will have a stroke delivering all those boxes on wed and thursday.

My last hatch was a disaster because of humidity. RH was 88 ambient temp 92. 3 feet above sea level. I could not get the humidity below 70. kiilled a lot of fully formed chicks.

this time i am placing mini dehumidifiers and humidistats in my bators. I want humidity at a steady 40%
Do you take the eggs out of the turner or leave them in and just tun it off? I take them out and lay them on their sides. I have thought about putting them in an egg carton. keeping them up right.
Occassionally the chicks pip upside down. I don't know why. I just had 15 in egg cartons and th only one to pip pipped at the bottom and died. It was a lav, too. I will not use egg carton to hatch again. I will put draw liner in again though.

Oops, I forgot to fill the water pots on the first day of incubation
. I hope that doesn't hurt the chicks.
SHould be good-- I have altered water not water to moderate the RH
So I bought an incubator from TSC about a month ago. It has held it's temp and humidity pretty well. Well Wednesday is suppose to be hatch day, I put a few eggs in to test it, instead they are hatching today!! And to top it all off they are pipping at the wrong end, again! I had this problem with my last batch of eggs, those were in my homemade incubator, which is why I bought one. I just don't get it...

On the up side, 2 of my 3 broody silkies eggs have also started to hatch. So far I have 1 white silkie baby. I have one if my silkies a couple if the incubator eggs. I didn't want her to sit for too long. Plus I've runn out of eggs to hatch cause all of my girls are broody.
So I bought an incubator from TSC about a month ago. It has held it's temp and humidity pretty well. Well Wednesday is suppose to be hatch day, I put a few eggs in to test it, instead they are hatching today!! And to top it all off they are pipping at the wrong end, again! I had this problem with my last batch of eggs, those were in my homemade incubator, which is why I bought one. I just don't get it...

On the up side, 2 of my 3 broody silkies eggs have also started to hatch. So far I have 1 white silkie baby. I have one if my silkies a couple if the incubator eggs. I didn't want her to sit for too long. Plus I've runn out of eggs to hatch cause all of my girls are broody.

You might want to get a Brinsea Spot Check. It will tell you exactly what the temperatures are, and its very accurate.

Are you hatching Silkie eggs? The banty eggs sometimes hatch earlier than the big eggs. Although pipping at the wrong end and hatching early does sound like its too hot....

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