Incubators Anonymous

I don't really have a way to grow out ALL the roos I hatch. Last year I probably hatched about 1500+ chicks so that is about 300 too many roos. Just can't do it. Maybe this year if we get a pen built for them. I don't mind letting DINNER roos free range most of the day but I still need a way to lock them up at night.

I don't typically name my birds. I am not good at naming animal anyway. I had 2 cats... they had REAL name but we just called them Boy Cat and Girl Cat or Kittyboy and Kittygirl.

I think we only have one bird with a name..... Erik..... Erik the RED he is my BCM roo. I can't think of any others. We had another BCM roo and his name was Redneck. He had color all over at about 4 weeks old. Too bad he injured his leg. He became dinner.
I don't really have a way to grow out ALL the roos I hatch. Last year I probably hatched about 1500+ chicks so that is about 300 too many roos. Just can't do it. Maybe this year if we get a pen built for them. I don't mind letting DINNER roos free range most of the day but I still need a way to lock them up at night.

I don't typically name my birds. I am not good at naming animal anyway. I had 2 cats... they had REAL name but we just called them Boy Cat and Girl Cat or Kittyboy and Kittygirl.

I think we only have one bird with a name..... Erik..... Erik the RED he is my BCM roo. I can't think of any others. We had another BCM roo and his name was Redneck. He had color all over at about 4 weeks old. Too bad he injured his leg. He became dinner.
yeh I only had to grow out about 100 roos so not that bad and luckily we sold several of those
I have read some people say they add eggs to incubator. How does that work when it comes time for lock down for the eggs already in incubator?
I have read some people say they add eggs to incubator. How does that work when it comes time for lock down for the eggs already in incubator?

I have a couple of incubators I use for just incubating, and one I use just for hatching, so when it's time for lockdown, I just transfer whatever eggs are ready into the hatcher. That way, I can have multiple groups of eggs in the other incubators that are on different hatching schedules.
OMG! Why did you tell me this (about having different incubators for hatching!) Now, I will want to do that and hatch hatch hatch. As it is now, I have to wait 3 weeks plus some for cleaning, etc in between batches.!!!! hahahhaa! It's probably a good thing I don't have any extra money for another incubator right now!

Oh, BTW, my 12 eggs go into lockdown today! 9 frizzled/non frizzled NNs and 3 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes! Hope all goes well! The Wyandotte eggs were small and porous. 6 didn't make it thru the first 10 days. (mailed eggs - boo!) Hope the last 3 make it. I really want BLRW!

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