Incubators Anonymous

My name is Sheri, and I am a hatchaholic. I have had at least one incubator going nonstop since December 11, 2012. Getting ready to put more in tonight. They keep bringing me eggs so I feel I must hatch them
I'm a hatchaholic too! :) I have placed indian runner ducks and pekins and I am hatching my second set of Coturnix quail babies! I love seeing the Little guys hatch and candling. I also put in 3 little bantam eggs for a friend. They should hatch between april 20 and 22nd...
I considered myself cured - and then DH talked me into putting a few duck eggs in the incubator. Well, those few eggs looked so lonely ..... I now have 42 duck eggs going and a broody duck sitting on 16 more.
I knew I was a hatchaholic when I allowed my silkies to set on their mutt eggs just to see 1.what they would look like 2. if they would hatch, because they wanted to, because, because, because. I need a support group to stop me. They are the ugliest things I ever saw. They are dual mothers and it is fun to see, next time I will not use their eggs [no male silky] OR I could get a male. can't stop, need another hatch so I have midget whites in bator even though they eat to much. But they are sweet and friendly, [and taste good] maybe I can sell them, If I do I will do it some more so I do, even though no one has replied to ad wanting them after first potential sale I have yet to fill.
Hi my name is Lori and I am a Hatchaholic. I started 8 years ago with a tiny incubator and have graduated to a larger one. I am so relieved to know I am not alone.
Hi, my name is Amanda and while I am not an addict quite yet, I FULLY INTEND on being one in the future. I have some silkie eggs under broodies and some in an incubator. Two have hatched so far and two are pipped.

I'm not ashamed of my intentions. :-D
Hello my name is Dax and I am a Hatching and bird addict. I can't stop buying birds keep finding deals on Chickens, turkeys and ducks on Kijiji. At home we have a Muscovy duck hen sitting on at least 18 to 20 eggs her eggs are do to hatch on the 14 or 15th of April. i am so Excited for baby ducklings this year!! Yeah !!
. the Breeds that i have are

Isa Browns, Americana's, Brahmas, Silkies, bantam Cochins, some barnyard mix chickens, Rhode Island reds, Black /rocks, Barred rocks, a Columbian Rock rooster, a pair of cuckoo marans, a black copper Maran rooster, and some bantams of mixed breeding, and just got last night 4 Black Minorcas 1 rooster and 3 hens. for turkeys I have Wild Eastern pair, 2 blue slate hens, and 1 Broad Breasted Bronze hen, for ducks I just have Muscovys. so I would say I am a Chicken-holic.

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