Incubators Anonymous


Jubilee Orpington babies hatched yesterday!!!
I went on another bender. I just ordered 2 dozen olive egger and americana silken eggs.I also stopped at the feed store but I was good.I only got 2 of each breed.oh and several EE
I know this is kind of off topic a little but, today is day 19 and I was candling my duck eggs and I noticed that one didn't have an air cell but was moving around and forming... so I picked it up from the egg turner and candled the bottom and there it was! I turned it over but I'm not sure if I should have or not because I know the chicks are a pretty good size and I don't want to kill it by moving it upside down... so what would y'all do????
I know this is kind of off topic a little but, today is day 19 and I was candling my duck eggs and I noticed that one didn't have an air cell but was moving around and forming... so I picked it up from the egg turner and candled the bottom and there it was! I turned it over but I'm not sure if I should have or not because I know the chicks are a pretty good size and I don't want to kill it by moving it upside down... so what would y'all do????
it's more critical that the air cell is in the small end. it's harder for a chick to turn that way. i would mark the egg so you know, and hope the air cell is large enough and he's got room enough to move around when hatching time comes. but upside down isn't an issue until it gets closer to lockdown. more than a week out from hatching, he's still small enough that he's swimming.
I have been invited to the next IA meeting, [COLOR=008080][/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]"I am not sure I have a problem, when will I know for sure?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008080][/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]"I don't know and it wasn't off ever, I cleaned it at least doesn't that count?" [/COLOR]
Dawwww mrs. Sally! XD
Hey, thinking while we have so many experienced hatchers, and some newbie addicts..... We could always use some help on the diary incubation thread its not just about shipped eggs anymore, it's where the Hatching 101 ~ Guide to ASSISTED Hatching articles stem from, and so many come for help and sometimes it gets overwhelming and we do need our beauty sleep sometimes! Some great people on the thread, and a lot of them are on here too! :hugs Anyone can pop on and help out and just join in the general conversation anytime! Just remember, family thread please and base opinions on facts & experience :lau WHERE NO QUESTION IS A DUMB QUESTION! (even though you may get a dumb answer, bawahhahahhahhaaaa) Incubating Diary-Notes Thread
I bought a new Farm Innovators Model 4200 circulating air 'bator with automatic egg turner. I cannot get the temp consistent to save my life! It's either 98 F or 100 F- and on occasion 99.1. No matter how gently I turn the knob I can never achieve 99.5. Using a digital thermometer. Anyone have any experience with this type of incubator? Any advice would be appreciated. Last time I attempted to use the 'bator NONE of the eggs hatched.

Also, I have six of the newest shipped eggs in my mini-Brinsea (had good luck on hatches with that one, for the most part- just hatched six out of six eggs the week prior to Easter). However, one of the eggs is doing something I've never seen before. It has tiny clumps of what appears to be egg white leaking out onto the surface of the egg, almost like someone pricked the egg with a needle. The eggs have only been in there a day. What is going on? Just toss that one or candle it?
Newest pictures of my chicks, They are 2wks and I have been taking them out to the same small piece of area the last few days. They love it so much to be able to just peck around and actually practice being a chicken, I can tell they are going stir crazy in there brooder. However, they only get about 10minutes or less out there and it has to be mid 70's to up into the 80's before I'll take them out.

All of them..I am suspicious the buff silkie all stratched out MAY be a roo because he is always the one to have this stance and be the first to of the silkies to try anything new.

Possible RIR roo in the making on the right? :)

I just had to post this picture because look really close at the 'headless' chick behind this front one lol! I also really like this chicks nice even red color.

This is our little baby, he/she is the first one that hatched and I'm pretty certain believes I'm truly his/her momma. We got lucky because he/she is the only one to have its own little marking on its outter far right toe and of course just personality wise we know him/her from them all anyway.

This little white silkie fellow/lady is quite the scaredy cat, I seriously think when he/she sees me coming it must be thinking oh great, HER! again! lol To bad for him/her that makes me try that much harder to win him over hehe But I'm still the evil scary monster.

Soo Cute!

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