Incubators Anonymous

One of my hens just went broody- today. Has anyone ever transferred eggs from the bator to the underside of a hen? I'd rather she do it 'cause she does a better job than I do. The seven eggs I'm thinking about have only been in the Farm Innovator since the morning of April 11. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work, but you never know. I'd simply take the eggs out that are under her (I'll eat them) and replace with the seven FI eggs.
mark the eggs so you know any she lays can also be removed.

good luck
I did that once and the hen quit sitting on the eggs, I guess she knew they weren't hers. Its up to you, every chicken is different ... after I took them out she went back to nesting in the same box again... idk weird chicken haha :)
In my experience, Brinsea is by far the easiest to use and I've had extremely successful hatches from my little mini. They are quite expensive though. I couldn't afford a big one- not now anyway.
I'm at day 6 of incubating, and the woman I got my FOURTY-ONE (ahh!!) eggs from said to keep humidity between 50-55%. Some of these posts have recommended lower. What works best for everyone here? And it is too late to fix my high humidity?
Oh, I SO belong here. Is there an empty chair around anywhere? I brought some doughnuts ...

Just finishing up my first hatch. Have a couple dozen more cooking in the coolerbator and am building a hatcher and planning a bigger cabinet style incubator. What I'm gonna do with all these chickens, I have no idea. Are people generally offended if you start giving chickens as gifts?
Just put my 6 speckled Sussex on lock-down.3 days to go.
speckled sussex have been added to my must haves. jealous

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