Incubators Anonymous

The story of one brave hen and the 6 little chicks that could. (A poem, but not a very good one.

The was once a little white hen; just a common backyard mix. "I will not be like all the rest" said she. "I will lay my eggs just for me."
She would not lay her eggs in the coop with all the rest. In the woods she made her nest. When her nest was full; to hatch her eggs she sat about. Lovingly and patiently she waited for 21 one days for little chicks to come out.
But on the night before her eggs were due, a mean skunk came to take a few. She fought hard to keep him away, until she could fight no more and he carried her away.
There her eggs laid, in the cold dark night. No momma to help them and keep them warm, in their hatching plight.
They were of no special breed, that all would love to see; but they could still hear their Momma's say, "You are very special to me".
So through the night they fought, there on the cold cold ground. With their Momma's spirit to guide them, their inner strength they found.
One by one they broke free, from the shell that would be there end; until at last there were six, that their battle they did win.
Shivering they huddle close together, their on the cold ground; all they had was each other, there was no one else around.
As the morn began to break, they began to cheep so loud; hoping that someone would come to help them, if they could only hear the sound. Across the wind their voice did carry, to the farmer who was making his rounds.
When the farmer finally found them, "What is this I see." A nest full of chickies, that their Mamma hid from me."
The story of their mother's bravery was written, in her feathers scattered round. But there her chicks safe but shivering, on the cold cold ground. Amazed the farmer was, at the scene that he did see, " How these chicks did hatched without a mother, is a mystery to me." "
These chicks are of no special breeding; I would not have hatched them if it were up to me. But because of this valiant deed they did, they are wonder for me to see". He gathered them up to safety and carried them home to stay, because of their courage and bravery, they will see a better day. The End.

The Six little chicks that could.

Their brave Mamma.

People are wondering why i look so sad, as i clandestinely catch up on BYC while in my office..
.... she was a very pretty little hen
This is the most reliable incubator I've used so far. It's 60 years old, made entirely out of redwood, the tray sides are cedar, the hygrometer cistern is original, and the manual is like new. Leahy Mfg. really turned out a simple and efficient incubator. Maybe that's why they named it "Ol Favorite". I've had a consistent 98% hatch rate every time. I've never completely filled it up, it will bake 30 dozen chicken eggs at a time. I just love this thing! Not only does it work great, it looks like a piece of furniture. There's not a scratch on it. This is truly intended for the hatchaholic.
'S beautiful! I have a Leahy I will someday get around to restoring -- it was being used by the previous owners as a coffee table, because it's about 38" square and 22" high. Wish it had a smaller footprint like yours does.
I already ordered my next eggs. They are local Welsummers and I just couldn't resist!! I have one Welsummer but she had a leg injury over the winter and she is not fertile. Plus these will be 100% Welsummer eggs while mine would have been a cross with a blue splash marans. I'm so excited to start the next ones and yet not all of the current ones have even hatched yet! Lol
I already ordered my next eggs. They are local Welsummers and I just couldn't resist!! I have one Welsummer but she had a leg injury over the winter and she is not fertile. Plus these will be 100% Welsummer eggs while mine would have been a cross with a blue splash marans. I'm so excited to start the next ones and yet not all of the current ones have even hatched yet! Lol
You will love your Welsummer! Mine gives me wonderful terra cotta eggs. And she has only missed 1 day in the last 2 months!
The foolish part was for laying her nest outside of the coop where the predators were, instead of finding a hidden spot inside where it was safe.. not for her defending them.
well, i've got a broody dorking girl that has her nest hidden uphill of my house... the dog pointed her out to me yesterday. (he's good at finding lost ones).

i feel sorry for anything that comes up on her... she drew blood on me yesterday when i tried to see how many eggs. did manage to get her off the nest to see tho. she's got about 20 and they're about half way along it seems.
Update on the hatcher changes.... temp holding well... humidity was still about 60%. 1 chick popped out this afternoon a day and a half early and several others had pipped. EVEN THE POLISH TOLBUNT
all three were moving really well when I put them in lockdown SUPER EXCITED since I only got 6 eggs and 3 made it to lockdown. 1 developed and quit early, 1 was cracked and didn't make it, the other might have been clear, can't remember.

I have some Black Eng Orps and something else that is new to me..... hum....OH GNH.... have just not had great luck with them. Either I kill them or the die form something else. Kinda my last try, I think. I have MILLIONS of DOLLARS in the GNH

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