Incubators Anonymous

I don't add ANY water to the incubator so sometimes my humidity does not even register.  I just hatched a HUGE batch of cuckoo marans.  How old are his hens?  I find the older the hen the less likely the eggs are to hatch.

Thanks! Do you sell Golden Cuckoo Marans? Their eggs? Do you sell Lavender Ams? I just hatched three. Two are males. Would like some more pullets or eggs. Let me know. Also, while driving thru TN a few weeks ago, we got a lottery ticket and won $5 but we forgot to stop and get the money on the way back thru. If I send it to you, would you cash it in for me? Let me know. I think I still have your address
LOL that is a lot of questions! You might be able to mail it in to claim the money.... probably you have a long time to claim it too. BUT if not yes I will do that. I don't have Golden Cuckoos.... I just have Cuckoos. Had a racoon attach and lost almost ALL my cuckoos so I am working to rebuild with some solid marans. I do have lavender ams and will have them sorted in early spring.
Did you change the incubator for this set? How do you figure Your hatch %---from total eggs in or from fertile eggs at candeling?

I count at lockdown. You do not have control over clears or quitters, or some genetics leading up to lock down. And do not feel bad about the quitters, just pretend they were roosters.
Good to know as I had a lot of roosters last year. I sure didnt need any more..LOL
I have a question on an incubator. I just got a Brinsea Mini Advanced Incubator with an automatic egg turner. When the automatic egg turner is in, and all of the eggs are in, there is really no room for an additional thermometer. Can I trust the Brinsea's thermometer that is built in with the incubator, or is there a way to get a thermometer in there without compromising the amount of eggs that you can fit in there? Thanks

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