IncuTurn for Hovabator - Reviews, Discussion, Feedback

10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
Fruitland, ID
Hello Backyard Chickens! We are so excited to have launched the new IncuTurn egg turner for Hovabator Incubators! We want to get the conversation rolling about the IncuTurn so we are reaching out to get reviews and feedback from those who have purchased the product. We are committed to making the IncuTurn the best egg turner on the market for Hovabator Incubators! We encourage all who have used or are using the IncuTurn to provide feedback. If anybody has any questions about the IncuTurn you can ask here, or email us at: [email protected].

I have installed mine (received this week) in an old school square hovabator. It required trimming of the thicker borders, because the older style 1602n is just a little narrower inside than the newer ones. Also, the lid is very very close to the motor, so the motor gets really hot. I'm hoping this is normal for this type and that it won't shorten the life of the motor. Maybe the manufacturer can speak to this?

The eggs do seem to wobble as the are turned, so it would be nice to have an option for some sort of pop-on rail or slots at the edges of the cut-outs to frame them a bit. However it seems to be doing the job reasonably. Not all eggs are turning at the same rate. Smaller ones vs larger ones seem to have some variance. Where they sit on the wire too many be a factor. The turning is as you'd expect, VERY slow, so don't expect to watch it and see it zip side to side.

While I'm waiting for the hatch to happen, I'm overall very pleased that this lower cost turner was available for my older 'bator, when no other option seemed to be on the market.
I ordered one and "hacked" it to work in my cabinet incubator. It seems to have worked ok. Eggs turned. Chicks hatched.
I'm trying it now with coturnix quail eggs. The eggs are turning, but I think the slots could be smaller for using with quail

I'm glad it's working for you! It is normal for these motors to get real hot, and shouldn't shorten the life of the motor. I appreciate the feedback about the wobbling and the slots. The wobbling of the eggs could be compared to how a hen turns the eggs. It isn't a very smooth rotation they wobble and bump into other eggs. Again, great feedback. Let me know how the hatch turns out!
Thanks for posting! And for the feedback! The tray moves about 2 inches each cycle. The average Quail egg should be able to rotate about 180 degrees or so each cycle (on average).

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