
In the Brooder
Mar 27, 2015
mission tx
I got a pair of India blue silver pied I think its the first pair of peafowl I have ever have I need info on them wich one is the male & female what they eat ect. Also will they be aggressive when I try transferring them to their new bigger pen?
Hi there and welcome. Don't panic, we all had to start somewhere.

Your local farm and home type store should carry Gamebird feed, that is best. If any are girls they will also need Oyster shell to produce eggs if they are old enough.

Watch them carefully as sometimes the stress of moving can make them I'll, or even different soil. You will probably want supplies on hand as a just in case measure for that too. There are lots of good folks here that can help. If their wings droop and they pull their heads in, that's a sign of a droopy bird. Coccidia is a big problem for young birds and some older when they are first moved. The medicine of choice for that is called Corid.

How old are they and congrats, I love pieds!
There 8 month old I think and supposedly I got the pair ..u said females need oyster shell to,produce eggs should I buy it now and give it or on their second year that's when they start laying eggs I believe?
They shouldn't need it yet then, the females usually don't lay til about 18 months at the earliest but usually more like two and 1/2.

They love cat food as a treat, also various fruits and veggies. :)
Can u see the pics I uploaded ?? I upload one at the first post and one at the last one and if u can ...can,u tell me which one is male and female
Yes there's alot of loose dogs in my neighborhood and I don't want to take the risk... I have 3 but there friendly and did I upload the pictures right or how do I upload properly?
Very pretty birds
How long do you plan on keeping them in the pen they are in in the photo? they really need lots of room to be happy and healthy and they need a clean area to dust bath to keep mites and lice at bay.

I feed flock raiser to all my bird but then they free range and get most of their need out in the fields,woods and ponds. feeding greens is a great source of calcium and magnesium they need for strong bones and egg shells as mine never touch oyster shells i provide.

Most of my hens i have raised up lay eggs the age of 1 year but it is almost always at the end of the breeding season after my males have dropped their train, by the time they are 2 years old they are laying and try to hatch their own chicks out but i usually pull the eggs and put them under broody hens or sell them, hope this helps we all do things differently here so in time you will figure out what is best in your situation in time.
I'm keeping them the least I can in that small pen I still need the top netting of the big pen but the least I can and how do I,upload pictures here I seem to see yrs but not mine and thanks that's a great picture u have with the birds

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