I am having a hard time holding my eyelids open, but wanted to share this photo I took at roosting time tonight. Molly Brown likes the window seat. :)


Good night, all! Hang on - the weekend is coming!
My poppy but Silkie chick, the one I had to bring in cause she just wasn't thriving out with her mother and was always pasty butted. She still isnt growing, the last chick that hatched 5 or 6 days late, she is now bigger then this chick. She was crying at the top of her lungs just a few minutes ago so I went to check on her, she ran for my hand jumped in and started I guess you would call it singing, kind of like a well I dont know how to put it but she was happy... I think she misses her mom. She is snuggled up tight between my chest and my arrn singing with her eyes closed. I think she was cold. now my hand is falling asleep, but she is so happy I don't want to move her, :love I keep the chick room 70 deg. Sh is old enough she shouldn't need more than that, but I guess she does. guess I'm gonna have to bring in a heat lamp, man I thought I was done with that. Sleepy baby
A broody cave may work better it's more intament basically a heating bad over wire in the shape of a cave

Today's been a rough day for my flock.
First I noticed that a chick was missing & found the headless body nearby. It was in the am before I let the chickens out. I'm trying to figure out what may have been the cause.

Mama hen & chicks are inside a rabbit cage inside the run. (Run is made with wood & hardware cloth.) Found 1 very small hole. Mouse? Would a hen pull a chick through the bars to kill it?

Later I went out with my camera to brighten my mood. While I was taking some pics under the pine tree, the roos made the hawk warning sound & the hens took cover. A few secs later all of the chickens huddled together around me as I saw a hawk flying low and headed straight for us. I stood up & shouted at it while waving my arms. It quickly veered up & to the right. It's target aborted. The chickens then went to the safety of their run - but not until I escorted them. For the remainder of the day, none have dared come out & the roos + top hens stood guard by the door.

2 pullets were very, very interested in my camera

My funny Sebright can look both proud & pathetic

My 3 amigos are below. Trying to determine which to keep.
2 are lav orps & the other is an EE-orp.

My EE-Orp pullet (the kids like her a lot)

Poor Princess

These two look simply miserable

My pretty black orps

My Bielefelders. Shortly after this pic was taken, the hawk swoop happened. Can't believe it tried to catch a chicken while I was near them. I'll always have that image of a hawk flying right at me in my memory. .....and I hope the hawk will remember & avoid me too!
Stupid hawks have no fear of what used to be their natural predator (us folks..)

Tis the season for the hawks for sure. They've been around here non-stop the last 2 weeks. Having some fun with my "bird bangers"... It's taking awhile to make them afraid to come to the area, but I'm glad I got them. The ladies are very cautious about going out of the building. It seems like the hawks are just harassing constantly. Very frustrating.
How 'bout I start with LAST YEAR'S worst molt....

I had to bring her in because it was in the 20's outside!

PS (eta)
I figured I might as well put her to work while she was in and set her to brood.

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@ellymayRans I have two dog crates (one fit a thirty-pound dog, other was for a Rottweiler and fit her quite comfortably). I think peas are too loud for my property, but if it's my house or murder, I think we'll try it. I could really use a guard pea with all the predator issues (and robberies). Not sure if they're more or less likely to "sound the alarm" than guineas or geese. Can't have an animal around here that lights it up for no apparent reason. Is one sex louder than another with peas?

Regarding who stays and who goes for winter on my "farm", despite having lumber and some supplies, I'm too busy and having difficulty rallying support to build a bigger, better coop, so I'm going to have to downsize. The seven CXs are about 12 weeks old and certainly old enough to process.

As much as I love the Muscovies, I'm thinking they would be happier elsewhere. The girls have started flying, so I either have to clip their wings or find them a home where wings and flying are great assets. They're not especially cold hardy and only seasonal layers. They are pretty sweet natured, beautiful and really quiet, which are all great. I don't have a pond though, and so they've been unceasingly splashing the water out of every single vessel of water on the property. So far, their sex ratio seems 50/50. I have four hens (maybe five) and three drakes (maybe four). Not a mean bone in their bodies. They also change color every year, it seems, so they're doubly fascinating to watch. Love 'em, but I don't have a pond or coop space enough for them, I think.Far friendlier than the Mallard-derivative breeds I've had.

The turkeys I really don't want to find any other place for. I'm in love with my turk-turks. Same goes for most of my chickens, though, if someone really wants a Dark Brahma rooster, I might be able to part with one. Wun Wun's been a slow grower, but he's trying to set a World's Biggest Rooster record for Guinness Book. Really living up to his name (same goes for Mag the Mighty, really when it comes down to it).
  I have two dog crates (one fit a thirty-pound dog, other was for a Rottweiler and fit her quite comfortably). I think peas are too loud for my property, but if it's my house or murder, I think we'll try it. I could really use a guard pea with all the predator issues (and robberies). Not sure if they're more or less likely to "sound the alarm" than guineas or geese. Can't have an animal around here that lights it up for no apparent reason. Is one sex louder than another with peas?

Thank you. Males are louder for sure but the girls will honk and carry on if given a reason. Males only really do their call during mating season which is from about May-August. A predator around and they will honk and be loud also. During mating season it can be a pretty constant thing and it is very loud. My neighbors 5 houses away have heard him. They say other Peas can hear the call for 5 miles. ?? Obviously I don't know that for certain. Lol!

I really appreciate the offers from everyone though. I knew there were plenty that love to offer up a helping hand however you can. It's what makes me so proud of our little "community". I brag on you guys/gals all the time! ! ;)

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