Ohh I was not clear. I did not want to eat it. Then I would have had to find it warm and cleaned and gutted it right then. I just wanted to learn how. I tried watching some you tube videos but I'm more of a hands on when it comes to the first time. I grew up living out side of city limits but not really on a farm, more of in the middle of other peoples corn farms.
Thanks so much.

As for the chicken that died, I'm leaning towards an egg being the cause of death. I'm thinking the bird just could not get it out.
Thanks for responding. After I thought about it some more, I figured that you were hoping to use it for practice. What I'd like to know is-- what are you supposed to do if you find one of your chickens dead? I've read many articles/posts saying that you should send it to a state lab, and I read one saying they no longer do that. It seems like that procedure would be for large flocks, but some people are adamant about having a necropsy performed and reported. I just wondered because, as usual, there is a lot of conflicting information out there. I just wanted to be proactive-- the next step after getting my first aid kit in order.
Seems from our research that 1/4 is overkill, and we've decided to use 1/2. At least for our run. For the coop we've used 1/4, but only because we had plenty left to racoon proof it.

Anybody else have opinions?
I think most people recommend 19 gauge wire with 1/2 inch openings as the maximum size. So you could use either, but I'm betting the 1/2 inch will be cheaper. :) That, and it seems like the 1/4 inch isn't as heavy of a gauge usually, but maybe that's just where I'm looking.
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I think most people recommend 19 gauge wire with 1/2 inch openings as the maximum size. So you could use either, but I'm betting the 1/2 inch will be cheaper. :) That, and it seems like the 1/4 inch isn't as heavy of a gauge usually, but maybe that's just where I'm looking.

At lowes it doesn't tell what gauge wire it actually is. I'm assuming its just standard.
I AM SO FRUSTRATED! Just had a visit from the county inspector. A neighbor complained that we were building a chicken coop and she doesn't want chickens near her house.

He said we can't have them because our property is not zoned Ag.

I am so bummed. I can re-home them easy enough, but that is not the point. We raised them from day old chicks and we really don't want to get rid of them.

I have 4 very sad children!!!!

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