So far all the whites are so sweet, even if not handled as babies. I really like my new fella he is settleing in good. I have noticed the MW hens lot to start arguments! I have one thats a real pistol.

I would have to agree about the breed and hens. I have 2 and 1 of them is worse than the other and she will pester a bird ...doesn't matter if its a chicken, roo, pea or duck..once she starts she will insistently follow and harrass for way too long! It can be irritating to me .. cant imagine not free ranging them or else they would probably have no issue killing. They are that persistent. Sweet to me though.
Quote: Exactly! One girl paces at my lavender pen and harasses the hen and roo. They see that extra good food in there, since my Lav orps are penned and not free range. They also forget that they get all the goodies those birds don't get! I did have one bantam killed last year by a tom. he was an OEGB/millie mix and would NOT leave the toms face alone. I was walking back from the barn and saw the tom shaking him, too late. My bourbons are calmer, but the hens are always the aggressors I have noticed. I ADORE the hollands! Super calm sweet turkeys.
Guys, now that holidays have passed, and many of us are settling down from it LOL I am bringing up ChickenFest again. Of course, we will monitor the AI risks and whats happening through BOAH. I would still like to see a northern get together so some of our out of state folks can attend too. Anyone thats not heard about it or attended before, its AWESOME!
Our first fest was graciously hosted by @racinchickins at his beautiful home. We had a wonderful meal, got to meet others in person! Also some swapping, and a couple learning events were included. Our second fest I hosted personally at our private campground in Liberty. Egg swaps, bird swaps tons of food! Special thanks to many members that helped make it a huge success including @Mother2Hens , @barb s and @minmin1258 . 2015 was cancelled due to AI found in Whitley county.
I am really sticking to a north location, but I do want to open discussion if we can make it happen this year! Either post or PM your thoughts. We will make sure there is a campground etc nearby for folks traveling also.
We may also be able to invite someone in to talk about AI and other critical poultry diseases, a Q&A session. Lots of other ideas we discussed for last year too. @PeacefulWalls may possibly be willing to host at her church, depending on her schedule. Anyways, shout out guys! We have some treasury funds collected to aid in costs for the fest too.
Guys, now that holidays have passed, and many of us are settling down from it LOL I am bringing up ChickenFest again. Of course, we will monitor the AI risks and whats happening through BOAH. I would still like to see a northern get together so some of our out of state folks can attend too. Anyone thats not heard about it or attended before, its AWESOME!
Our first fest was graciously hosted by @racinchickins
at his beautiful home. We had a wonderful meal, got to meet others in person! Also some swapping, and a couple learning events were included. Our second fest I hosted personally at our private campground in Liberty. Egg swaps, bird swaps tons of food!  Special thanks to many members that helped make it a huge success including @Mother2Hens
, @barb s
and @minmin1258
. 2015 was cancelled due to AI found in Whitley county.
I am really sticking to a north location, but I do want to open discussion if we can make it happen this year! Either post or PM your thoughts. We will make sure there is a campground etc nearby for folks traveling also.
We may also be able to invite someone in to talk about AI and other critical poultry diseases, a Q&A session. Lots of other ideas we discussed for last year too. @PeacefulWalls
may possibly be willing to host at her church, depending on her schedule. Anyways, shout out guys! We have some treasury funds collected to aid in costs for the fest too.

We're still planning on it on our end. I agree that we should select a date soon -- especially if we want a spring gathering. Even if it's fall, it would be good to get it scheduled now. Spring would be a great time to swap chicks if we don't have to worry about AI!
Quote: @LonelyPageTurne The idea of no bones left makes me feel its possum or cat. And it could easily be a combination of predators also. A hawk leaves a lot of feathers, I have learned the hard way. But there is usually bones, wings feet and some skin left.A possum would come and eat the remains. Minimal outdoor activity will cause this to be repetitive, the predator sees its found a smorgasbord and will continue visiting. Raccoon leave a lot more of the bird usually and often only take heads, crops and leave the body. Same for owls. But possums, cats will eat an entire bird if not interrupted.They also leave a pile of feathers.
I have a huge cat problem here especially around holidays. People get a kitten and don't spay or get bored with it, it becomes a problem and its dumped here. Its pretty upsetting, most have no idea how to feed themselves. Many of them will be hit in the road or starve before I ever see them. I trap and rehome what I can, some there is no good end result. Madison county will not pick up stray cats, very disturbing! Its a domestic animal!

If you know anyone that hunts, a game camera would be an awesome way to at least see what you are fighting with.
The idea of no bones left makes me feel its possum or cat. And it could easily be a combination of predators also. A hawk leaves a lot of feathers, I have learned the hard way. But there is usually bones, wings feet and some skin left.A possum would come and eat the remains. Minimal outdoor activity will cause this to be repetitive, the predator sees its found a smorgasbord and will continue visiting. Raccoon leave a lot more of the bird usually and often only take heads, crops and leave the body. Same for owls. But possums, cats will eat an entire bird if not interrupted.They also leave a pile of feathers.
I have a huge cat problem here especially around holidays. People get a kitten and don't spay or get bored with it, it becomes a problem and its dumped here. Its pretty upsetting, most have no idea how to feed themselves. Many of them will be hit in the road or starve before I ever see them. I trap and rehome what I can, some there is no good end result. Madison county will not pick up stray cats, very disturbing! Its a domestic animal! :mad:
If you know anyone that hunts, a game camera would be an awesome way to at least see what you are fighting with.

I'm so so wondering if this is MY cat that won't come in anymore!!

It better not be!!

So nobody was taken last night...but I also look like I'm crazy trying to keep the government from reading my thoughts with the CDs/shiny Christmas ornaments strung across my yard...
Guys, am going to part with my Coronation Sussex, Light Sussex and Beilefelder hens. I have tried to keep these breeds several times and always loose the roosters. Clearly they just are not meant to be here. Also downsizing a bit on my EE flock, will have some gold laced available. PM if interested.
Making both my nephews farmers I think! Since our dually fried the wiring harness, I bought older DN dinner and he went and picked up 2 6ft rolls of hay for me. Fanny is happily butting and rolling one roll now lol!

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