Hi I just joined and I'm idesperate need of a new hampshire rooster in late March please help I'm located in Anderson

I second Mike Todd on this. Buy several rooster chicks or just straight run from a hatchery if you can't wait to buy some from a feed store this spring. I don't know anyone who raises NHR. They're a lot like RIR but harder to find and prone to all the same problems in breeding (poor rooster temperament, poor color, poor production from higher quality birds, etc.).
Hello everyone, I joined this group awhile ago but it's been forever since I've discussed anything. I've just been lurking..
But I just got a new incubator a mini brinsea. I'm super excited and wanted to find some local hatching eggs. I live by Franklin IN, which is 30 mins south on Indy. Does anybody close by have any fertile eggs they want to sell? Thanks in advance. I'm open to diffrent breeds or mixes that would be good layers and they are just for our small backyard flock.

I have a few breeds laying. 1is a frizzled black bantam Cochin cross that lays blue eggs. She's with my bantam smooth feathered Mille Fleur Cochin man and I also have 7 Silkie hens laying. Blues blacks and partridge colors. They haven't been with a roo for a bit so I could make sure they were no longer fertile before pairing them with a Partridge roo. I'm in Martinsville. Not too far from you. Just PM me if you want to discuss further.

I have large fowl laying too but not separated and most days I don't get their eggs before they're frozen.
My other girls mentioned earlier are in my garage.
I have a few breeds laying. 1is a frizzled black bantam Cochin cross that lays blue eggs. She's with my bantam smooth feathered Mille Fleur Cochin man and I also have 7 Silkie hens laying. Blues blacks and partridge colors. They haven't been with a roo for a bit so I could make sure they were no longer fertile before pairing them with a Partridge roo. I'm in Martinsville. Not too far from you. Just PM me if you want to discuss further.

I have large fowl laying too but not separated and most days I don't get their eggs before they're frozen.
My other girls mentioned earlier are in my garage.

I'd actually be interested in the large fowl eggs prob. Depending on the mixes they are. I know it's hard to get to them before the cold. I think next week is gonna be a little warmer that will be nice.
Last week we were in RK and I asked them when they would get chicks, the lady said early March. So Friday, I ordered some from Meyer Hatchery as we wanted some specific breeds as well as wanting them earlier than March. Today I went to get chick feed, and what do you know... they have a bin of chicks. UGH! I just kept telling myself, they weren't the breed you wanted, and they weren't THAT much cheaper
Had an interesting processing experience this morning and curious if anyone has had this before.

We processed a Buckeye pullet (won't go into reason why here...) This bird was approximately 8 months old give or take a week. Her lower abdomen was FULL OF FAT. Never seen anything like it before. HUGE AMOUNT OF FAT.

My Bucks that are this age have not started laying yet, though possibly one has this week. (Not this bird.)

This girl that we processed had SO MUCH FAT that it seems like it would have been difficult for her to lay an egg. Anyhow, just wondering if anyone has seen this with any birds you've processed? I haven't seen this on any of the birds I've processed before but I have to admit that I haven't done many and the ones I did were males.

It's making me nervous that more of my birds may had that kind of fat. But I have SFH that seem to be bony kids that are the same age as this girl.

Thoughts? Experiences with this?

@jchny2000 @Indyshent @racinchickins
Had an interesting processing experience this morning and curious if anyone has had this before.

We processed a Buckeye pullet (won't go into reason why here...) This bird was approximately 8 months old give or take a week. Her lower abdomen was FULL OF FAT. Never seen anything like it before. HUGE AMOUNT OF FAT.

My Bucks that are this age have not started laying yet, though possibly one has this week. (Not this bird.)

This girl that we processed had SO MUCH FAT that it seems like it would have been difficult for her to lay an egg. Anyhow, just wondering if anyone has seen this with any birds you've processed? I haven't seen this on any of the birds I've processed before but I have to admit that I haven't done many and the ones I did were males.

It's making me nervous that more of my birds may had that kind of fat. But I have SFH that seem to be bony kids that are the same age as this girl.

Thoughts? Experiences with this?

@jchny2000 @Indyshent @racinchickins
We had that same experience with a pullet, she may have been just over a year old. She was small in body size, and thought it was very unusual to have so much abdominal fat.

What I noticed when I cut open the gizzard is she had all grain in it with no greens, even though it was the time of year when everyone was allowed to free-range.

I think it was due to the high amounts of grains (carbohydrates) that she chose to eat exclusively. After that I removed all corn from their feed mixture, but now have added some only during winter months.

We butchered because she was pulling out everyone's feathers.
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I also butchered because this girl was aggressively attacking 2 of my other birds. Not pecking-order squabbles but flying though the air, landing on the back, and pulling out feathers. And if the cockerel would mate one of them she'd attack them while he had them pinned down.

Her 2 sisters are as sweet as can be. And now that she's gone, they are an enjoyable flock again.

I've come to the conclusion that there are too many nice birds out there in the world to put up with that kind of behavior. It took me 5 years to come to that, but I've tried to "rehab" several birds with attitude and never had a very good outcome. Should have removed them from the flock much sooner than I did.

Interesting that the intestines were very clean, the organs looked good and healthy. Just so much fat. She had ova developing but looked as though she wouldn't start laying for a few weeks yet by the looks of them (very small "marbles").

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