Good news! My yellow golden pheasant hen started laying this week! She's two years old but better later than never! Her cinnamon man got out of the enclosure earlier this week but has been calmly walking around the yard, just like the chickens.
We got pigs!!!
Ugghhh - more rain today (+ predicted for 2 more days)
still hadn't dried out here from the last rain (or the last 4~5 rains)
i might have to invest in some hip waders (& possibly a canoe) just to be outside .
i guess it could be worse tho - i saw some posts on some FB groups yesterday that some people in Missouri got 12" of rain (& more continuing) & had 4" of water in their coops
Getting lots of rain here today too (also some flooding out back)

My chickens thought it was a good idea to look for worms & such. On the bright side, the sight of wet chickens made me laugh.

DD was very worried about her spoiled silkie, so she broubght it in to dry off. Then took some pics of an 8wk old next to her 1.5 wk old.

Spitzhaubens look very pathetic when wet.

...and the big fluffy orps did not feel like showing off & posing like they normally do.

I think I've finally decided that the blue orp is female. I think the dress up games may have helped.
(BTW- Don't you just love those dirty looks my soggy chickens are giving me?)

Below is one of the blue orp's brothers - he's only 4wks old. He already has more red & height in his comb than she does. She's at 8+ weeks.
Your location shows Illinois...are you right along the Wabash? It's a flooded mess in my chicken run right now and they really do look funny when wet. I super new at this chicken thing so I'm afraid to just let my girls run around the yard unless I'm watching them.
We're in N. IL west of Chicago. I've always lived in IL, but my niece moved to Cicero, IN. I enjoy visiting IN & would like to move there someday. Close enough to pop back and visit family, but just south enough to avoid those bitter bitter cold winter nights of -20'F. Not to mention the great fact that everyone we know who moved to IN has experienced a lot more financial freedom. So I suppose I'm a "Hoosier wanna be."

We're dry right now, but there are some houses down the street that have flooded basements. We live at the top of the hill & don't have a true basement. The backyard is a squishy mess, though. The chickens seem to be enjoying playing in the puddles. That's why I have so many wet chicken pics.
our chickens aren't overly impressed with the rain, but for the ducks it's like their best day ever!
. . . . . well almost - they get mad at me when i don't let them out to free-range because they tend to not be able to resist the temptation to cross the street to our neighbors flooded yard & swim - we're not too thrilled with the idea of the chance of them getting hit by a vehicle.
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Questioning the sex of the little barred rock in hackles yet and no crowing but small waddles and a larger than the other they have larger combs as babies or do I have a roo? Never had barred rocks so nothing to compare with. Daffy (Dave says it looks like a duck!) is approx. 5 weeks..the others are clearly pullets and even though they all came from the pullet bin at TSC we know that's not a perfect science...
I let my two oldest hens out to do a little rain dancing while I was hunting up worms to feed the flock as treats. Since we've had several days of nearly non-stop rain, the water is up past my ankles in low areas of our yard so I've done a lot of worm harvesting. I'm also trying to train them to return to the coop in response to a particular call they only hear when I have a treat for them, so it was pretty comical today watching my Buff Orpington and my Black Sex Link follow me around the yard as I was carrying the ziploc bag full of worms.
At one point I'm sure it looked like two chickens and one human chicken pecking for worms since we were all lined up along the edge of the yard.
I am so glad to be posting again—it's been too long of a break! Hope everyone is having a great spring despite the recent non-stop rain. At least it makes everything green! And now that it's officially May, April showers should be over! My flock is doing well, and I've been catching up on posts...

Welcome to the Indiana Thread! @Feeneychickie ~ @PeaceDuckies ~ @kanina ~ @BrittanysChicks ~ @Dayrel ~ @akorte ~ @MrsAuberry00 (and others I might have missed). For anyone interested in our great group, Click here to see our Indiana BYCers Members' List, Events, Topics & Links

Originally Posted by Faraday40
Here's a challenge for anyone who cares to play the 'Guess the gender" game:

This Blue English Orpington ia the result of a lav orp roo x mauve orp hen. Daddy was a very leggy cockerel who grew giant pink comb/wattles by 4 weeks. Mama hen had a small pink comb as a pullet. This Chick just turned 7 weeks old. I've never had one take this long to figure out. Comb looks female; wattles look male (IMO)

@Faraday40 ~ I don't feel knowledgable enough to guess, but here are some baby photos of my present and past Orpingtons, which may give you clues.

Orpington pullets that I got from @kittydoc ~ The Lavender and Chocolate were approx. 5-6 weeks and the Cuckoo was approx. 10-12 weeks old.

Chocolate English Orp pullet ~ 8 weeks

8 week old English Orp cockerel that I had and rehomed.

A month later...he's on the right. Splash English Orp on the left is a pullet.
Both same age~ 3 months
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