Sorry so long in reply. Been gone for a bit!

Would pine shavings work? (I use them for chicks in the brooders & in the nest boxes)
Yes, you can put your pine shavings right out on the run. It does help if you have some larger chips also, as they keep it from matting down. After a good amount of chips, the pine shavings will work better for you.

How about mulch that you would find at a garden center/lowes etc (or are these typically treated)?

I would avoid the garden center chips. They can have contamination and are sometimes dyed for color, etc., as well as other treatments. An example of contamination: Back after hurricane katrina, they chipped and sold those trees as mulch up north here. But the waters were contaminated and lots of people got green algae/fungus growing up their vinyl siding from the chips. No telling what else was lurking in those waters. And I imagine they'll do it again after the latest hurricanes.

You never really know where they are coming from. Some of them are cedar which is inadvisable for use in chicken yards and houses. vote is to stick with the tree service if you trust that they'll bring you only good wood and nothing poisonous or sprayed.

Does the deep litter method smell? Or turning it & adding to it regularly prevents the smell from occurring?
No. Not smelly at all.

The birds will usually scratch through it on their own, and any rain you get just soaks in and takes the poo with it. If you start with pine shavings that are fine, it will be a little more challenging to get it started and keep it from matting down. That's why I really like the CHIPS as a good base. But if you spend a little time initially keeping it moving, I think it can be done with the shavings. Throwing some feed, mealworms, etc. down for them to scratch through should help.
Storm Shadow and Anna found a new home with more room--and a nice man who liberally uses meal worms! I was very sad to see them go. Hate having to downsize. People only want the birds I like the most, so I wind up selling or even finding "free" homes for birds that I never wanted to lose. DH is finally getting some overtime again, but we've had so many bills climb up, plus emergency bills like having to replace a windshield. It's been crazy.
Happy Thanksgiving!

(The kids & I have been making cards and always finding more ways to use up those molted chicken feathers.)
Hello to the Indiana bycers

And a huge thank you to my close friend @Faraday40
You are such a blessing.

My whole extended BYC family is a blessing.

One correction and the full story.

My Grandpa has been a father figure to me as my own has not been the best. While we didn't always live with my grandparents my mother and myself moved in with them to care for my Grandpa, with his Alzheimer's, and Grandma, with her dementia, after my high school years. Although I spent much of my childhood over there visiting. We lived with them for over 4+ years and managed to keep Grandpa at home much longer than would have otherwise been possible.

It was a full time job for my mother and I that we didn't get payed for. Not easy at all but by far worth it to have the time with him and Grandma and the memories. If you are ever faced with this horrible disease I urge you not to give up on you loved one.

Grandpa was moved to an assisted living facility only after he began to wander and door alarms and constant supervision were not able to keep him safe. He did have a tracking bracelet for a time and it was a godsend. We love next to a creek and it wasn't safe for him. I moved out as the process of moving Grandpa began, to move in with my future husband.

This year has been a tough one including 5 moves to different facilities and 4-5 hospitalizations along with another ER visit for treatment of a gash on his forehead. MRSA Pneumonia he's had both those year. Most of these things have occurred in the last 2 months(except MRSA). Up until the last month Grandpa has been walking and talking very well although more confused as to be expected.

I has been over 15-16 years since my Grandpa has been diagnosed with the Alzheimer's.

A week ago today my mother, Grandma and myself went to visit him. We were met by hospice that were involved to try and get Grandpa to use a walker. They've been a blessing. We were shocked to be told Grandpa's seeming sleepiness and unresponsiveness were signs he was nearing the end. They didn't know but thought it could still be weeks or months, possibly. It was possible he would improve again for a time, called rallying. Still it was coming.

That night he told me he loved me and spoke my mother's and Grandma's names. It was also that night the I fed him sherbet and apple juice, which other than moistening his mouth would be the last food or drink he would have.

He continued to decline rapidly. Friday we brought him home to pass away there, unsure of how long it would be. Saturday he began having gaps in his breathing and the hospice nurse gave him about 24 hours, she thought. It ended up being less than that.

Everyone in the family was able to come see him and say goodbye between that Tuesday and Saturday except one of my cousins.

Sunday he stopped with the intermittent breathing and began breathing quite shallow and his pulse was weak. Everyone took turns telling him we loved him and that we would be okay here together and that he could go home.

I was second to last and my Mom was last. With my Grandma in bed with him and my Aunt, Mom, myself and DH2B and Uncles gathered around as my Mom finished and hugged him he breathed his last. It was incredibly quick and peaceful.

My family is reeling still as we prepare the funeral arrangements.

My Grandma's dementia is making this hard on her she keeps forgetting and asking and having to be told. Sometimes it's like she's learning all over. Sometimes she doesn't know that he died from the Alzheimer's. Please keep her in your special thoughts and prayers, I can't imagine if my family lost her too soon after Grandpa. I've been telling her she has to stay her to tell her future great grandchildren about Grandpa and their beautiful love story as they were high school Sweethearts.

I'm so sorry for your your incredible loss.:hugs
I have sad news to report:
@chickendreams24 's grandpa passed away yesterday. She grew up living with her grandparents, so they were very close. He had Alzheimers & she stayed with him until the end. She was even there when he died yesterday. For those who know her (Or even if you don't), please send her a PM with your condolences.

Hello to the Indiana bycers

And a huge thank you to my close friend @Faraday40
You are such a blessing.

My whole extended BYC family is a blessing.

One correction and the full story.

My Grandpa has been a father figure to me as my own has not been the best. While we didn't always live with my grandparents my mother and myself moved in with them to care for my Grandpa, with his Alzheimer's, and Grandma, with her dementia, after my high school years. Although I spent much of my childhood over there visiting. We lived with them for over 4+ years and managed to keep Grandpa at home much longer than would have otherwise been possible.

It was a full time job for my mother and I that we didn't get payed for. Not easy at all but by far worth it to have the time with him and Grandma and the memories. If you are ever faced with this horrible disease I urge you not to give up on you loved one.

Grandpa was moved to an assisted living facility only after he began to wander and door alarms and constant supervision were not able to keep him safe. He did have a tracking bracelet for a time and it was a godsend. We love next to a creek and it wasn't safe for him. I moved out as the process of moving Grandpa began, to move in with my future husband.

This year has been a tough one including 5 moves to different facilities and 4-5 hospitalizations along with another ER visit for treatment of a gash on his forehead. MRSA Pneumonia he's had both those year. Most of these things have occurred in the last 2 months(except MRSA). Up until the last month Grandpa has been walking and talking very well although more confused as to be expected.

I has been over 15-16 years since my Grandpa has been diagnosed with the Alzheimer's.

A week ago today my mother, Grandma and myself went to visit him. We were met by hospice that were involved to try and get Grandpa to use a walker. They've been a blessing. We were shocked to be told Grandpa's seeming sleepiness and unresponsiveness were signs he was nearing the end. They didn't know but thought it could still be weeks or months, possibly. It was possible he would improve again for a time, called rallying. Still it was coming.

That night he told me he loved me and spoke my mother's and Grandma's names. It was also that night the I fed him sherbet and apple juice, which other than moistening his mouth would be the last food or drink he would have.

He continued to decline rapidly. Friday we brought him home to pass away there, unsure of how long it would be. Saturday he began having gaps in his breathing and the hospice nurse gave him about 24 hours, she thought. It ended up being less than that.

Everyone in the family was able to come see him and say goodbye between that Tuesday and Saturday except one of my cousins.

Sunday he stopped with the intermittent breathing and began breathing quite shallow and his pulse was weak. Everyone took turns telling him we loved him and that we would be okay here together and that he could go home.

I was second to last and my Mom was last. With my Grandma in bed with him and my Aunt, Mom, myself and DH2B and Uncles gathered around as my Mom finished and hugged him he breathed his last. It was incredibly quick and peaceful.

My family is reeling still as we prepare the funeral arrangements.

My Grandma's dementia is making this hard on her she keeps forgetting and asking and having to be told. Sometimes it's like she's learning all over. Sometimes she doesn't know that he died from the Alzheimer's. Please keep her in your special thoughts and prayers, I can't imagine if my family lost her too soon after Grandpa. I've been telling her she has to stay her to tell her future great grandchildren about Grandpa and their beautiful love story as they were high school Sweethearts.

@chickendreams24 I'm so sorry for your loss, and so glad that your granndfather passed peacefully, surrounded by loved ones. I'm especially glad that you were able to spend so much quality time with your grandparents and get to know them and appreciate them.


@chickendreams24 very sorry for your loss.

Thank you so much and thank you for the hugs everyone.

My grandparents have been another set of parents for me and I wouldn't trade a minute of even the worst of times with them. There are so many things I'll never forget and for that reason I have been having such a problem deciding what I would like to say at the funeral. There's just too much to say.

We were amazingly blessed to keep him for so long and I am blessed to have found a man so like my Grandpa bc he's who I judge all men by. Lol we are also extremely grateful to have been able to bring him home to the farm that he loved so much.

If anyone knows or would like to hear one of the songs that will be played at the funeral is "Outskirts of Heaven" by Craig Campbell. This song has touched me since I first heard it and I know Grandpa would have liked it and my whole family is certain that's where Grandpa would want to be and is now. :)

More hugs to you. So hard when you know you'll not see him again (in this life that is!)

@chickendreams24 Deepest sympathies..and hugs.

I'm so sorry for your your incredible loss.:hugs

Thank you all so much it means the world all the support I get from you guys. Today was the visitation and funeral tomorrow is the military honors at the cemetery.

If I didn't mention it the funeral has been split this way bc of some stupid rules the cemetery has.

It was sad to see the funeral so small of course Grandpa was old and his parents and siblings are all gone but my Grandpa was such a wonderful man I feel like the place should have been busting at the seams. Everyone teared up but loved the song "outskirts of heaven".

More later guys thanks again for all of the support.
Today's day 21 & no pips or peeping yet. (Yes, it's a crazy time to hatch, but I had a very stubborn little broody.) Eggs were left for long periods on some pretty cold days, but when candled, they were showing good development. There's not much to do but wait it out & see what happens.

Meanwhile...... The joys of being a kid:

DH brought home a stack of left over wrapping paper from an office move. The kids quickly put it to good use with all sorts of fun posters & crafts.

Also, on Sat night we went to our town's Christmas season kick off. They have a night parade, lighting of the Christmas tree, free cookies & hot cocoa, visits with Santa, pet the reindeer, and all sorts of music. DD was playing in her school's chime choir.
My pipping started end of day 21 start into day 22 and kept hatching until day 24. I'd gladly sell you these little boogers if you were closer. :jumpy

I've got birds coming out of my ears I feel like. :gig

I did manage to sell my lavender drake over the weekend and have someone coming to buy Salt and Pepper this afternoon, so those are 3 big mouths less to feed. But I still have four 2 month old EEs and 9 twoish week old OEs. On top of everyone else.

My silkies have finally started laying! No one's gone broody yet, but we're maybe two weeks into laying. I'm hoping to let them hatch their own eggs next spring. Other than them, the marans are molting and finishing molting. I'm hoping one of them will start soon. One EE is laying, and she's laying double yolkers quite often, is that normal? And my other EE hasn't started yet even though she's 9 months old. I'm hoping she doesn't wait until spring to start. Baking season is here, I need those eggs!

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