My garden is thriving!!!

And my chickies are finally able to sit on the dog house so we put in their perch for them.
They're getting so big!


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I had my glasses off when I read your post--I was squinting at the picture looking for your chicks! :caf:gig

Your plants look good, now show us your chicks picture in their new place. :pop
It didn't upload lol. They were taking a dust bath together and then when I got closer they ran over to say hi.


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Anyone else use a meat grinder? If so, looking for recommendations.. I am on my 2nd cheapie and holding my breath that it makes it through the cow. I think this time I'm going to invest in a good one. I have half the cow cut up, 30 some pounds of hamburger so far. Several pounds stew meat, roasts from the hindquarters. Saving the suet to make winter treats for the chickens!
My chickens and ducks are laying like mad. out of my 15 girls I'm at 4 dozen eggs already this week! I also discovered a broody goose today. Shes nested under the back porch. And my guineas are finally laying! Will probably set some eggs and hatch keets.
Hey everyone! I'm Chris, I live in Indy with my fiance and our daughter, and I just got my first flock this morning! 1 buff, 1 australorps, and 1 black sex link, all around 4mo. Names TBD as we learn their personalities. I'm excited to be a part of this group and especially excited to finally have my own flock!View attachment 1392181

Hi, there! Welcome to the thread! We're in Indy, too. Northwest side. Is this your first time with chickens?
My garden is thriving!!!

And my chickies are finally able to sit on the dog house so we put in their perch for them.
They're getting so big!
One time I picked up some tomato plants from a local Amish greenhouse. The lady there told me to plant my tomatoes as deep as the first set of leaves. It helps to keep the stem strong and if a decent wind comes along your stems won't break off. It also makes stronger and healthier plants.
I had never heard that before and that was at least 20 yrs ago that I took her advice. My plants do really well.
Anyway, just wanted to pass that info on.
Good luck with your garden!

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