@Faraday40 Promised pictures--just a few days late! :oops: I did take them on the 4th, just got caught up in some things. Basically, right after I posted my last post, I received an email that some of my credits don't count toward my degree, so I still need 6 more credits beyond this Physics class to graduate. Now, it wouldn't be a huge deal, I suppose, if I had been informed in a reasonable amount of time so that I could sign up for fall classes and just have to wait until December, but we're only a few weeks away from the fall semester and the likelihood of getting into 6+ credit hours worth of classes that count toward my degree at this point is slim to none. So, there's a chance that I now won't be able to graduate until May. I'm more than a little upset about that, needless to say. Really hoping my advisor can pull something off for me, because this whole thing just stinks. :(

Anyway, not to go into a rant! Here are those pictures!

Little Silkied Cochin boys:

Blue band silkied.jpg Pink band.jpg

Two pics of Miss Roxy, 'cause she's the cutest :love

Roxanne.jpg Roxy cutie.jpg

Some little Dorks. :love :love Myrna on the left, Kita in the middle, and another one of Kita being a sweetie :love

Myrna.jpg Nikita.jpg Nikita sweetie face.jpg

Mottled Cochin babies! I actually may have only ended up with two cockerels out of the six!! :eek:

Blue band mottled.jpg Green band.jpg Orange band.jpg Purple band.jpg White band.jpg

This little one, I've been relatively sure of being a pullet for a while, so I've been calling her Ida. :love


And, you know, since I'm posting pictures anyway, here are the six Marans I hatched in March:

Un.jpg Vivienne.jpg Josephine.jpg Quatre.jpg Mavis.jpg Six.jpg

Pretty sure I've confirmed my suspicion that their dad, Murphy, is 'golden' (carrying one copy of Silver) based on how these babies turned out. Un is Black Copper, and the other two boys are 'golden' like their dad. Looks like all three of the girls might be 'Birchen' (creamy in color due to Mahogany from their mama), though Vivi hasn't really shown much color so I'm not 100% sure on her yet.

Anyway, sorry for the picture overload (and rant). :oops: That's all I wanted to share.
I didn't know you have mottled cochins. Are they lf or bantam? Will you keep a boy?

I may not have mentioned them here, not sure. I got them about a week after the Silkied Cochins since only 3 of them hatched. Planning to cross them into the Silkied line for a bit of genetic diversification. :)

They are bantams. I'm likely keeping one of the cockerels and it sure as heck isn't going to be this little squirt because he's already dropping a wing at me and trying to flog my hands when I reach in the brooder. Little punk pinched me good this morning. :mad: So it all depends on how the other little guy's attitude is, because I don't tolerate human aggression with my boys.

Orange band.jpg
Some day I may want you to hatch a couple for me. Not mix though :) Where did you get them?

These little guys are just from Meyer Hatchery. I'm fine with hatching them for you as long as you're fully aware of my flock's status, full disclosure.

(P.S. the Silkied Cochins are pure Cochins, just with a spontaneous mutant Silkie feather gene. No crest, beard, extra toe, dark skin, or walnut comb. ;) )

Still no sign of Pancake. Worried sick, and that's not helping anything.

Oh, no! I hope you find her! :hugs :fl

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