Love my roosters. As always - every year I pick 1 rooster that I feel is worthy of a flock for each breed we keep. I also keep 2nd choice roosters until the following spring. #1 they must be human social. #2 must take care and be a good gentle fella for my hens. Once its early enough spring for hatching #2 boys are processed if I didn't need them. I have found myself without a rooster too many times to not keep extra! I do hatch my favorite breeds to sell chicks locally once I feel we have enough for our own needs.
My American Bresse are laying like crazy now! AB rooster has won his place with me, he sits with his hens when they lay. Calls them to food and they all come running. Very polite with his ladies & us too. Barred Rock pullets (Mabels lol) are 20 weeks+ so they should start laying soon. We have begun introducing their rooster Barry also a 4H fella between fences. He dances, calls them and carries on, they all run to the fence to see him. Their new coop is almost completed so they will be combined in a couple weeks.
We are leaving for vacation Friday :yaI will actually go down Thursday for groceries etc. DH said our last true vacation was 11/2006! We're mostly camping and fishing and do plan on visiting our oldest DD in Ohio. I've yet to see her house. Plan on visiting DM/DD Chaney in Richmond and my oldest DS in Tell City too.
We're also looking at a few land parcels 10 acres plus with our realtor. We've always loved Liberty and the area in general. DH will retire in less than 10 years so at that time we're planning to move there. I like Pendleton but since Ingalls annexed us we are seeing massive residential growth. You cannot own livestock or poultry if in town limits. I'm expecting to lose our AG zoning within the next few years. We want to own land now. When the day comes we're annexed don't have to give up everything we've worked toward going on 9 years with our farm.
Yes, you definitely deserve a real vacation.

Have a wonderful time!
Culling all my excess roosters last week. Found one fella with a pale comb and frankly skeletal. He had worms. I've never seen this before the things were short grub looking things in its intestinal parts. Upsetting. His comb was pale and I should have seen this well before now. Its very unsettling to waste an entire bird because I am not sure what he had.
I would sure appreciate feedback! I felt horrible he was ill and I didn't see it. He was a large frame Bresse rooster. We are a working farm homestead and I want every critter here to be healthy and thrive.
Sounds like roundworms. I had a male chick once that had roundworms. He was very thin so I had him and his sister in the garden with me so they could forage, then when I saw him poo, I saw many roundworms.

I used Safeguard goat wormer. I did the math to reduce the amount for chicks, and gave some to everyone. It just took a tiny bit on pieces of meat.
Got some funny pics today:

A 4 Legged Chicken :lau

and a centipede chicken :eek:
What mixes do you think these chickens are? I have 1 rooster and 2 hens. The rooster wasn't planned but he is very nice, calls his ladys to eat and is always keeping them in his line of sight. I brought them home last week so no eggs yet. The previous Owner said they are just coming into laying and should start soon?
What mixes do you think these chickens are? I have 1 rooster and 2 hens. The rooster wasn't planned but he is very nice, calls his ladys to eat and is always keeping them in his line of sight. I brought them home last week so no eggs yet. The previous Owner said they are just coming into laying and should start soon?
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It looks like there are several diff breeds.
I see a lot of red= like RIR or some red production hybrid.

I also see the crest & slight feather pattern of a Legbar. (Feather pattern could also be a Welsummer, Brown Leghorn, or other duckwing patterned influence)

If the one with the crest has a V-comb, maybe it has some Polish

Does the one with the pea comb have muffs like an Easter Egger? Legs look musuclar - like Asil Shamo. Could make a good protector.
Leghorn egg???

The large egg is from Tillie- DS's leghorn.
The smaller egg is either from Trouble -our Sebright (bantam) or our 2nd leghorn - named Millie. Millie's comb has been red but the eggs have a tiny hint of color. Can Leghorns eggs have a bit of color in the start of the cycle? The color is right for Trouble's egg, but it's a bit on the large side. (I also don't remember her eggs being so round.) We've been getting one of these round eggs per day.


He doesn't have muffs that I can see. The hen with poof head looks to have a pea comb. Its small with rumples like the rooster. All 3 chickens were hatched from eggs in a school. They came from a backyard mix flock.
Im super excited to see what egg color they will produce and what chicks may look like. Im hoping to buy a couple known broody chicken breeds for hatching eggs. I may end up culling the rooster if he becomes a problem but so far he is doing wonderful. He chased a squirrel away from their food today. I haven't heard him crow yet.

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