How much do you all charge for unsexed chicks and older pullets?

I'm planning to sell some of my excess. We have several breeds but most are barnyard mix. I was thinking $10 for purebred and $6 for barnyard mix chicks. $15 for pullets. Is that crazy?
How old are the pullets?
How much do you all charge for unsexed chicks and older pullets?

I'm planning to sell some of my excess. We have several breeds but most are barnyard mix. I was thinking $10 for purebred and $6 for barnyard mix chicks. $15 for pullets. Is that crazy?

What is the breed of the pullets? This may have a bearing on the price...
I think it definitely would.

I think $10 per day old chick would only be warranted in a rare breed, or if you were a well known breeder of quality stock for your breed. $6 for a mixed breed chick is double what I usually charge. However with the crazy inflation we are seeing everywhere, maybe that will be the going rate this year.

In 2020 I was hatching Swedish Flower Hens and selling day olds for $8 each. I could see myself charging $10 for them this year.

Here is how I have traditionally priced my birds. I set a price for day olds depending on whether they are mixed or purebred, or how much they cost me if I bought them. And then I raise the price $1 for each week that I grow them out. When they reach an age where I can sex them, I keep the males at that same rate and double the price of the females. Then I continue to add $1 per week.

This year I intend to add more than $1 per week because of the rising cost of feed. I haven’t decided how much more yet.

$15 for a sexed pullet that is off heat is reasonable depending on her age. The closer to point of lay, the more I would charge. 25-40 would not be unreasonable for one that has started to lay if she is of a desirable breed. And that really depends on what the buyer is looking for.

You could do a test and see if your ads get responses. If they get snapped up, consider raising your price. If you get no bites, maybe lower it.

Good luck. Maybe let us know what you get for them when the time comes.
Well thanks. Post some pics or something please. Of brooder/prep maybe? I have a hard day job. A bit of chicken distraction is great!
Nothing interesting about it currently. Here is a picture from my first chicks checking the temperature in the brooder.
Not hatching yet, but our son still plays with his Spitzhauben daily. She follows him around inside and out. She does stairs, plays fetch, and jumps up into his lap when called (or if she just wants to be near him)

Here’s a pic of our son playing video games and his chicken watching his progress.

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