Thanks to everyone for the welcome. This board seems to move really fast as the last time I was on was March 19th so I jumped to the end.
While I feel like a seasoned veteran (3+ years of having chickens) and dong really well at chicken math (we started at 8 and I couldn't even tell you how many we have).
I can tell you that I have 4 60 gallon rubbermaid totes of chicks in my living room and 3 incubators. This is my 2nd year TRYING to hatch. Last year I think we didn't turn the eggs enough. This year I bought incubators with egg turners so am waiting IMpatiently as next week should be when the first group hatches.
We haven't really decided what we want to have so we have some pens that are mixed up with different breeds. We keep going back and forth. We need to decide this year and sell a bunch off so I'm figuring that will be happening soon...I'm just so happy we now have nice weather...
Ugh. And I thought I would be done with heat lamps this week. But nope! Another cold weekend. I was hoping for steady weather because my last bunch of chicks need to go outside before tractor showing starts. They have left a fine layer of dust all over them.

Indiana! Why you not make up your mind?!
Originally Posted by ShawnaScott

I just got a pair of Aruacana chicks! I am so excited to get some blue or green eggs

From Mother2Hens to Shawna: Congrats on your new chick! Since you were the one worried about having "mutt" chickens, I thought you might be interested in pipd's recent post in case you didn't see it. We discussed the differences between those breeds and our EEs. I'm not in ANY way suggesting that you don't have a true Aruacana, I just thought you might find the info interesting. Some chicken buffs get bent out of shape about "which is what," but pipd and I are happy with our unique EEs! haha to the Buffs!
Thanks! I read the post before I went and got the chickies! I doubt they are true, full blooded ones, and if they are they definately are not show quality. I got them from the feed store and they have tails. I just wanted blue eggs
I'll post a couple pictures later.

And I don't mind mutt chickens, I just wasn't sure if they were considered a "no no" in the chicken breeding community. I know people go crazy if a dog has mutt pups.
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Feed store usually means Hatchery, which means Easter-eggers. They should be fun to watch growing up, though! :D

I don't know why anyone would have a problem with mutts. They're just so much more fun, plus they seem hardier! Oh, well, there's always someone to be a downer about everything. :rolleyes:

Those of you with Easter-eggers, JOIIIIN USSSSS: It's a thread just for showing off pictures and stories of Easter-eggers. ;)
Thanks to everyone for the welcome. This board seems to move really fast as the last time I was on was March 19th so I jumped to the end.
While I feel like a seasoned veteran (3+ years of having chickens) and dong really well at chicken math (we started at 8 and I couldn't even tell you how many we have).
I can tell you that I have 4 60 gallon rubbermaid totes of chicks in my living room and 3 incubators. This is my 2nd year TRYING to hatch. Last year I think we didn't turn the eggs enough. This year I bought incubators with egg turners so am waiting IMpatiently as next week should be when the first group hatches.
We haven't really decided what we want to have so we have some pens that are mixed up with different breeds. We keep going back and forth. We need to decide this year and sell a bunch off so I'm figuring that will be happening soon...I'm just so happy we now have nice weather...

I'm learning how to incubate the eggs too.
Not that you need any more chicks, but I have a few RIR production chicks available if someone wants or needs them.
A note on "mutt" chickens: I have my purebreds that I keep separate and preserve the lineage. Then I have my barnyard mix that runs around after me when I go out into the yard, I can watch from my window, and I don't have to worry about which rooster mates with which hen. There is a light Brahma cockerel, a cochin/Americana cross roo, a scrufty old Polish, and some bantam cochin roos that can have their pick of the ladies.
I enjoy my pures, too, but it is a different kind of enjoyment. I handle and cuddle them more so that they won't attack a show judge, and I'll let them out in the yard in a confined area, but I'm much more protective of who visits who.
oh I am so sorry to hear that, glad the breeder is filing a claim. I would still be steaming mad!

HI I'm new here!

I've been lurking for awhile and finally decided to dive in. I'm in northern Rush county and have 2 barred rocks, 2 EEs and 3 RIRs that are about 5 weeks old. We moved their coop outside yesterday and hope to get their run built this week!

I'm hoping to pick up 2 more pullets sometime soon to add to the flock.
Hey Hoosiers! First, 587 pages is quite a thread, so I skipped to the end. Just wanted to say hi. I'm from Kosciusko county. Love seeing all the Hoosiers on the boards!
and happy to have you both join our thread!

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