Cwaf- my daughter would never forgive me if i used her beloved trampoline as a coop
hahaha..once she is finished with it, you will know what to do with it!
Well, the only thing that will keep the coop dry if it's a location issue, would be to raise the entire coop up so it's above the flood plain. If the ground is always soggy, or at least more often than than it's dry, installing a drainage pipe wouldn't help unless it's ran pretyy far from the area.
If you built a base with cynder block and built the floor on top of that, as long as the walls and roof is sound you should be plenty dry. The actual framing of the coop walls sound like they may be getting wet as well, and could lead to rotting going on in the future.
Well, the only thing that will keep the coop dry if it's a location issue, would be to raise the entire coop up so it's above the flood plain. If the ground is always soggy, or at least more often than than it's dry, installing a drainage pipe wouldn't help unless it's ran pretyy far from the area.
If you built a base with cynder block and built the floor on top of that, as long as the walls and roof is sound you should be plenty dry. The actual framing of the coop walls sound like they may be getting wet as well, and could lead to rotting going on in the future.
good point about the walls probably getting wet, too.
Can I ask something here without getting my head bitten off?

What is the difference between EEs and Ameraucanas? If they are the same breed just different colors, why are they called something else? I am just trying to understand. I believe I have ameraucanas but the Ameraucana thread on here got pretty nasty and I don't care to go back there to ask. Can anyone help me with this? Here are some pictures of my chicks.

I was told I had 1 black, a silver, a wheaton and 3 blue wheaton and 1 chick they weren't sure what color it woud be. The odd ball could be an EE but the rest look like they should as chicks according to the pictures I was sent for the standard for the breed.

EE IS NOT A BREED YOU CANT SAY THEY ARE THE SAME THING GRRRR!!! lol Im just messing with you. This is a common question and problem. So dont worry about it. I cant beleive anyone would get rude about you asking this question. The EE is not really a true breed class but they look very much a like. It is pretty hard to tell them apart. Even hatcheries will sell you ameraucana chicks but are really EE's. I even have troubles telling them apart. What I have read Ameraucana carry their tail at a 45 degrees. The following i copied from the breeds tab above.

Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and Araucanas, then bred with many different breeds so they no longer fit either breed's standards. They usually have muffs & pea combs, but come in nearly every variety and color, some even have ear tufts or are rumpless. Each EE is different, but overall they are usually a smaller bird that lays pink, green, or blue eggs. They are normally friendly and calm, and their colorful eggs make them a popular choice in backyard flocks.


Breed Purpose

Egg Layer





Climate Tolerance

All Climates

Egg Productivity


Egg Size


Egg Color


Breed Temperament

Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Quiet,Docile

Breed Colors/Varieties

Any and All Colors

Breed Size

Large Fowl

{eyes - bay (reddish brown)}
{shanks & feet - slate (blue grey) black accepted on black birds, bottoms of feet white}
{ear lobes - red, pale on females (no white)}
{comb - pea}
{wattles - very small, absent}
{skin - white}
{toes - four}
{muffs & beard - forming three separate lobes, absence is a DQ}
{egg color - blue, minty green}
{cock weight - 6.5 lbs/cockerel - 5.5 lbs}
{hen weight - 5.5 lbs/pullet - 4.5 lbs}
{full breast, medium back, and tail carried at 45 degrees above horizontal}
{the bird must breed true to color}

Here is some useful link with lots of info on this subject!!

Hope this info will help you understand more on the differences.
Bacon, it was just built in the fall, so hopefully not much rot. I think the cinderblock and then put the floor in would be a better choice in the long run than the drain pipe now. I wouldn't have to worry about all the rain that way.
Thanks, I don't really care what breed they are but to have the people from the other thread be nasty about it was uncalled for. How do us newbies learn If we don't ask questions? I'm glad my chicks aren't ameraucanas if the people I thought would help me learn about them are going to be so rude. I'm so glad the people in the Indiana thread are so nice and willing to help me and answer questions as I learn about my new breed.

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