Thanks! Ill have to price out a sheet of 1/2 and see what it costs. I'm not too worried about cutting as we have a cutting "machine" at work, although not sure how it would handle 1/2 plexi
No problemo, I was looking @ incubators trying to decifer the egg turners for a diy project(because, ya know, I NEED to start another one...) so just a few clicks to get to the technical info.

I'd recommend taping both sides and cutting through the tape, don't know what the cutting machine you have access too is, but fast spinning blade through plexi will chip the edges. Tried a jig saw, circular saw with blade backwards, tried a vinyl siding blade, all chipped it until we taped it.
. This should be the URL to the Harlem shake my school done
hahaha which was you?

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