OOOOh maybe i have a few millies and porcelains too! I have 3-4 silkie and a few cochin for sure.

Quote: Thats an excellent idea! I use soups a lot! I am worried any of my eggs close to the bulb will be overheated.

My new babies just got here! Drinking water, eating, and popping around already!
Do i see australorp? They are just precious!
I just went to check chickens and thought i would get some pics. WARNING PIC HEAVY!!

Oh my cluck, what a beautiful group of birds! is the last one a frizzle?

Congrats - Brad!!!

Had anyone ever used hen saddles? My girls are almost bare!
Yes! they are totally amazing, too. I got my BR girl last august with a bald and bloody back. Poor thing, I took her and my EE from "there". I had 2 saddles and put one on each girl. I slathered Mabel with "bag balm" and put hers on, same with Bunny. My BR Mabel is my best layer, and most well mannered girl now! I have hatched 3 of her chicks so far. Bunny my EE was horribly timid, didn't lay eggs for 8 months. She is still flighty but lays almost daily now. I just hatched her first chick!

Here comes round 3 of hatching! Just put the last of my silkie eggs into lockdown (5 of 8 made it to lockdown). It looked like a couple had already internally pipped. Today was day 20 from the first 12 silkie eggs I set. So far one is workin on externally pipping! Hope the others follow soon!
YAY! I bet they will be so tiny! I have all baby silkies now, can wait to hatch some. Good luck!
Welcome to the Indiana Thread chseeads! I looked at your website, and you live pretty close to my husband's brother Jack Haddan and my husband's cousin Candy (she has chickens) lives down the road. Knob Creek near Heltonville. My husband and I graduated from IU, but unfortunately moved back to Evansville. Your ranch looks like fun!

Ah, cool... My mom's side of the family is Knob Creek born and (in)bred.
Beautiful birds, cluck!

Man that was fast! One silkie out of shell and resting now. I forgot to look to see what pen it was out of before the shell flipped over, but I believe it was from silver partridge.
We are new to this as well. First year for us, and we are trying to get the coop weather-and predator-proofed. I have a bunch of pictures on this thread. Looks like you have a nice variety to start with, and yeah chicken math has struck you! We have 2 leghorns, 2 SLW, 2 amber links and 2 NHRs. The last 4 are pullets (girls) and the first 4 are 50/50 chance. Hopefully not more than one well behaved rooster.

We are not insulating our coop, other than an outer wall and an inner wall. From what I've read, it's not necessary to insulate, and I've read that some don't use heat lamps even in negative double digits. People who've use heat lamps have had some fires, so I'm not going to use one.

You probably have more than enough ventilation, and that reminds me I need to incorporate one in my coop.

Runs----------in the winter-----some chickens hate the snow, others don't mind so much.

You do have easy access inside the coop for cleaning? I am making sure of that. If there is not much access, then the necessary cleaning won't get done. Can't wait for our girls to lay some eggs! But it realistically won't happen until August, that'd make them about 20 weeks old.

Sounds like we are in the same boat. Just starting, just building a coop, etc. You sound like you will have a great first flock as well. I will have to go check out your pics.

I do have easy access to the coop. My dear husband is putting in two 30" doors that will open out. My plan is to wait for the chickens to be in the run and close their coop doors so they can't get in, which will leave me a vacant coop to clean and leave pretty for them to return home. I figure with me and my two kids helping we should be able to get in and get out pretty quickly.

I am eggcited (LOL) to have our first eggs too! I predicted mid early to mid August before we see our first eggs.

Good Luck to you!


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