offering up again some cockerels. The two hatched Dec 22nd are definitely males and now it seems that 4 of the 6 I hatched on Jan 24th are also males! sigh I am willing to give them to anyone from this group--or someone you may know. They are mostly mixed with the father being Black Astraulorp and mothers Red Stars. However, here are one or two in there that had Black Astraulorp mothers, as well, so they are true Astraulorp. The coloring is becoming more interesting as the mixed breeds have some golden feathers mixing in with the black and/or white feathers--as can been seen in the photo below. The ones in the pics below were hatched Jan 24th. I have pics of all the ones I just can't keep all these males in my city yard. I need to get rid of these pretty quickly. I put them on Craig's list, as well. Anyone interested, please message me.

Some of my chicks that hatched out 2/25/12 are white with a few spots of black. Whats funny is that i only have 1 white chicken that is feather legged and is not even laying yet. I have been wondering where in the world is all this white coming from. lol Most of my hens are either red or black. Black is suppose to dominate white. So why do i have 3 chicks that are pretty much all white. They are cute tho and one of them is even has some big waddles for its age.
Cluck- glad you saw the culprits!! And even more glad they didn't succeed!!!! You better start putting up flags, streamers , netting and anything else you can think of!!!! They aren't usually in groups except for mating. You must have one hot female hawk!!
I've been checking out BYC for a few years now and don't think I've posted or introduced myself. Hello, I'm the Momma to 12 awesome chickens. Soon to have 6 more arriving in about a week. I live on the far west side of Evansville and we love our chickens they are spoiled rotten!
Yes welcome to BYC and this very active Indiana thread. Don't go away for more than 2 hours, or you will have 500 new posts to read thru. Very fun stuff, these chickens are. We are newbies to it also, first spring with chickens and the coop is being built furiously.

We just got back from a 3 night stay at the Canyon Inn, in McCormick's Creek State Park, and took our (8) 3 week old chickens to a friend's house so he could chicken sit for us. Wow they grew a lot in 4 days!
I finally caught the predators in the act. I heard my flock and roosters start going off like crazy. I ran outside and 2 huge red tail hawks. I let out a crazy loud yell at them 1 took off and another landed in the tree. I ran out towards tree and it took off to neighbors tree. The other 1 then flew into the tree with it. They took off then and came came back with another one. All 3 came from up behind the barn from where nobody could see them until its too late. They seen me out there and few off I watched them and they went across the field and flew around another neighbor's house down the road. Then they disappeared again. I'm so proud of my Appenzeller Rooster when i ran outside he was in the middle of the road running making all kinds of noise. The rest of the flock was running towards the coop. My Appenzeller was going to take the heat and save the rest of my flock. If if wouldn't of gotten out there when i did the hawk would have taken off with him because the hawk was swooping down at him! I need to do something quick about this before they come back again.

Glad to see you found the culprit. Whenever I read stories like this I wonder if I should keep a rooster around if we decide to let ours walk around the back yard.........we had a red-tailed hawk nest in one of the front trees last spring and raise some offspring. It was cool last year, but now we have chickens and not so cool lol.
hi all...I have not been in here for a while. Looks like I missed alot! Cluck...glad you were able to fend off the hawks. I have one that swings by from time to time here. So far, no damage! Three nights ago my dog raced outside and was barking like crazy at 2:30am. I woke up and went out to get him to make him be quiet. I walked to the end of the yard and turned towards the back of the coop and there was the dog, barking like he was possessed. However, insted of barking through the fence to outside the yard like normal, he was looking at the gate to the chicken pen. There on the gate was a large raccoon! The 'coon was as big as my dog..hahaha I grabbed a board and convinced it to leave. However, now it has me spooked and once this snow goes away, I am going to strengthen the coop security. I have lived here for 11 years and that is the first 'coon I have seen.

Really? First time you've spotted a raccoon? They've been around us on the W side of Indy (by the 8 Second Saloon) for the 15 years I've lived here.

Anybody live on the west side of Indy? My wife and I would like to see a chicken operation and we are looking for volunteers to show us theirs.

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