Grrr.... Just noticed my chickens outside have mites! Guess ill be picking up some Sevin dust tomorrow. DE really doesn't help much. I've always used it in the coop and nest boxes. Also occasionally put it out for them to dust in. Ill also be hitting up my parents and brother for their wood ashes from their wood stoves.
Glad to see you found the culprit. Whenever I read stories like this I wonder if I should keep a rooster around if we decide to let ours walk around the back yard.........we had a red-tailed hawk nest in one of the front trees last spring and raise some offspring. It was cool last year, but now we have chickens and not so cool lol.

Really? First time you've spotted a raccoon? They've been around us on the W side of Indy (by the 8 Second Saloon) for the 15 years I've lived here.

Anybody live on the west side of Indy? My wife and I would like to see a chicken operation and we are looking for volunteers to show us theirs.
I have been really surprised because I lived about a half mile directly west from here, on the same creek, for over 20 years before moving here and had bad problems with raccoons. I had to chase them from my attic and my basement! I have had rabbits, lots of birds, and a family of ground hogs living under the shed--now the chicken coop, but no signs of raccoons until this week! Our neighbors have reported coyotes a couple of times and a block away was supposed to have a couple of foxes, but I have not had any sightings or signs of them.

If you do not find any volunteers on the west side, you are welcome to see my humble 'operation' here on the northeast side. I have only been doing it for a year, though.
Grrr.... Just noticed my chickens outside have mites! Guess ill be picking up some Sevin dust tomorrow. DE really doesn't help much. I've always used it in the coop and nest boxes. Also occasionally put it out for them to dust in. Ill also be hitting up my parents and brother for their wood ashes from their wood stoves.

Sorry to hear that. Hope you get rid of them fast.
darn i wanted to know so i can find them a home if there roosters my dad wont let me have alot of roosters

You can just keep them till you know for sure if they are roosters. Once you figure out if they are roos or not you can find new homes for them either with someone else or in a stock pot. what yo could do is do alot of research on each breed you have. Sometimes in certain breeds there is signs you can watch for that can help tell you if they are hen or roo.
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I finally caught the predators in the act. I heard my flock and roosters start going off like crazy. I ran outside and 2 huge red tail hawks. I let out a crazy loud yell at them 1 took off and another landed in the tree. I ran out towards tree and it took off to neighbors tree. The other 1 then flew into the tree with it. They took off then and came came back with another one. All 3 came from up behind the barn from where nobody could see them until its too late. They seen me out there and few off I watched them and they went across the field and flew around another neighbor's house down the road. Then they disappeared again. I'm so proud of my Appenzeller Rooster when i ran outside he was in the middle of the road running making all kinds of noise. The rest of the flock was running towards the coop. My Appenzeller was going to take the heat and save the rest of my flock. If if wouldn't of gotten out there when i did the hawk would have taken off with him because the hawk was swooping down at him! I need to do something quick about this before they come back again.

There was a "scary sally" made with the disposable grocery plastic bags on here, I am trying to find it to send you a link, no luck yet. You make a scarecrow out of the bags, and it worked well for the OP.

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